cloudoperators / juno

Monorepo for the Juno modular frontend framework, apps, design system and component library
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[TASK](ui): Migrate Content component to TypeScript #221

Closed barsukov closed 3 days ago

barsukov commented 3 months ago

Task Description

We need to convert Content and all related components from @cloudoperators/juno-ui-components to TypeScript

List of potential dependencies


Related Issues

Additional Context Please check this online codemode editor to change the PropTypes to a proper Ts interfaces Online editor:

We need to be pretty concious about migration to ts cause it could create a potential breaking changes. Also if there will be too much changes at once maybe consider to split up the task again. Also some dependencies could be hidden and only discovered while executing the migration, could also lead to potential reconsidering the order of task execution.

guoda-puidokaite commented 3 weeks ago

ContentArea and ContentAreaWrapper Components Deprecated

ContentArea and ContentAreaWrapper are deprecated as per docs? Should we treat them as DataList and not migrate

Moving to Blocked as need to discuss: