cloudoperators / juno

Monorepo for the Juno microfrontend framework, microfrontend apps, design system and component library
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feat(ui): Theme toggle component #66

Open edda opened 3 weeks ago

edda commented 3 weeks ago

Create a theme toggle component.


franzheidl commented 3 days ago

Currently, the classes on the app body are called theme-light and theme-dark respectively.

StyleProvider expects a theme prop that it will remap to themeClassName which will be used as-is if supplied or default to theme-dark (while at it, we could use a default-prop, currently this is defaulting "manually").

When introducing a useTheme hook, all the logic deciding about the theme should go there. StyleProvider should only recevie a theme prop, and attach the respective styles and className.

We should revisit naming of the props and classNames representing a theme: