cloudposse / atmos

👽 Terraform Orchestration Tool for DevOps. Keep environment configuration DRY with hierarchical imports of configurations, inheritance, and WAY more. Native support for Terraform and Helmfile.
Apache License 2.0
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Document OpenTofu Support #594

Closed osterman closed 1 week ago

osterman commented 4 weeks ago



osterman commented 4 weeks ago

new tf alias can be brought up via a GH issue if we find that we want to discuss that further.

@Gowiem there might be some confusion on aliases; they can be anything you want.

Here's some suggestions by @nitrocode (they're aggressively short!)

  h: help
  v: version
  c: completion
  da: describe affected
  dcm: describe component
  dcn: describe config
  dd: describe dependents
  ds: describe stacks
  t: terraform
  tc: terraform clean
  td: terraform deploy
  tgb: terraform generate backend
  tgbs: terraform generate backends
  tgv: terraform generate varfile
  tgvs: terraform generate varfiles
  ts: terraform shell
  tw: terraform workspace
  hf: helmfile
  hgv: helmfile generate varfile
  vc: validate component
  vs: validate stacks
  vp: vendor pull
  w: workflow
  aeuk: aws eks update-kubeconfig
  agrc: atlantis generate repo-config

Then what you can do is alias a=atmos and run any of these like this: a t for atmos terraform