cloudposse / geodesic

🚀 Geodesic is a DevOps Linux Toolbox in Docker
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GCP PS1 Prompt Support for GCP Accounts and Projects #926

Open RoseSecurity opened 4 months ago

RoseSecurity commented 4 months ago

Feature Request

I know that Geodesic tends to lean more into the AWS landscape, but would y’all consider offering some GCP PS1 prompt support for GCP accounts like:

function role_name() {
    local role_name
    # Could be a primary or assumed role. If we have assumed a role, cut off the session name.
    local current_role=$(gcloud auth list --filter=status:ACTIVE --format="value(account)" 2>/dev/null | cut -d '@' -f1)
    if [[ -z $current_role ]]; then
        unset ASSUME_ROLE
        return 0
    export ASSUME_ROLE="$current_role"

From my understanding, GCP has a few different authentication flows, but when it comes to the credentials used by SDK tools like gcloud or gsutil, they are stored in a DB file located at ~/.config/gcloud/credentials.db. Whenever someone runs gcloud auth login, it appends an entry to this file. I also found credentials inside of access_tokens.db, and was able to extrapolate them using Sqlite.

When I look in ~/.config/gcloud/configurations/config_default :

I see:

account = [](
project = projectexample
Nuru commented 4 months ago

I would be in favor of supporting GCP prompts along the same lines as we support AWS prompts. Standing in the way:

I will leave this issue open and we may at some point undertake to provide the feature, but I would not estimate it happening anytime soon. My best recommendation for now is that GCP users look at the existing AWS support, ignoring in particular the support for aws-vault and the expectation that a primary use case is launching a sub-shell with a different assumed role, and use the existing customization options to craft your own solution.

If you feel you have something robust enough to share, I will consider a PR, but you should craft your PR in a way that other GCP users can adopt it into their custom Geodesic images before the PR is merged and without having to fork the repo.