cloudposse / terraform-aws-ecs-container-definition

Terraform module to generate well-formed JSON documents (container definitions) that are passed to the aws_ecs_task_definition Terraform resource
Apache License 2.0
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Using secrets input results in "Invalid function argument" error on map_secrets #125

Closed syphernl closed 3 years ago

syphernl commented 3 years ago

Describe the Bug

After upgrading to v0.51.0 a Terraform plan now shows the following error for each of the defined secrets in the secrets input:

Error: Invalid function argument
  on .terraform/modules/container/ line 20, in locals:
  20:   secrets_values      = var.map_secrets != null ? values(var.map_secrets) : [for m in local.secrets_vars : lookup(m, "value")]
Invalid value for "inputMap" parameter: the given object has no attribute

Expected Behavior

No error.

Steps to Reproduce

Create a container definition such as:

module "demo_container" {
  source          = "git::"
  container_name  = "demo-container"
  container_image = "nginxdemos/hello:latest"

  secrets = [
    # App specific
      name      = "APP_KEY",
      valueFrom = module.store_write_demo.arn_map[local.demo_app_key_parameter]

  environment = [
      name  = "APP_ENV",
      value = "production",

  port_mappings = [
      containerPort = 80
      hostPort      = 80
      protocol      = "tcp"

  log_configuration = {
    logDriver = "awslogs"
    options = {
      "awslogs-region"        = var.aws_region
      "awslogs-group"         = join("", aws_cloudwatch_log_group.our_log_group.*.name)
      "awslogs-stream-prefix" = "app"

  healthcheck = {
    command     = ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost:80/health || exit 1"]
    retries     = 5
    timeout     = 5
    interval    = 30
    startPeriod = 30


If applicable, add screenshots or logs to help explain your problem.


Anything that will help us triage the bug will help. Here are some ideas:

Additional Context

PR with changes: #120 & #123

syphernl commented 3 years ago

@davidvasandani Would you mind taking look at this one please?

nitrocode commented 3 years ago

First of all, thanks for creating this issue!

I see the issue. It's using value instead of valueFrom key. The PR should resolve it.

module "demo_container" {
  source          = "git::"
  container_name  = "demo-container"
  container_image = "nginxdemos/hello:latest"

  secrets = [
    # App specific
      name      = "APP_KEY",
      valueFrom = "test"

  environment = [
      name  = "APP_ENV",
      value = "production",

  port_mappings = [
      containerPort = 80
      hostPort      = 80
      protocol      = "tcp"

  healthcheck = {
    command     = ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost:80/health || exit 1"]
    retries     = 5
    timeout     = 5
    interval    = 30
    startPeriod = 30

output "demo_container" {
  value = module.demo_container.json_map_encoded
$ terraform apply
Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


demo_container = "{\"cpu\":0,\"environment\":[{\"name\":\"APP_ENV\",\"value\":\"production\"}],\"essential\":true,\"healthCheck\":{\"command\":[\"CMD-SHELL\",\"curl -f http://localhost:80/health || exit 1\"],\"interval\":30,\"retries\":5,\"startPeriod\":30,\"timeout\":5},\"image\":\"nginxdemos/hello:latest\",\"mountPoints\":[],\"name\":\"demo-container\",\"portMappings\":[{\"containerPort\":80,\"hostPort\":80,\"protocol\":\"tcp\"}],\"readonlyRootFilesystem\":false,\"secrets\":[{\"name\":\"APP_KEY\",\"valueFrom\":\"test\"}],\"volumesFrom\":[]}"
nitrocode commented 3 years ago

@syphernl try the 0.52.0 release tag and it should work.

syphernl commented 3 years ago

@nitrocode Thanks for looking in to this! I'll give it a go :)

syphernl commented 3 years ago

@nitrocode Unfortunately this still isn't working:

Error: Error in function call
  on .terraform/modules/container/ line 21, in locals:
  21:   secrets_as_map      = zipmap(local.secrets_keys, local.secrets_values)
    | local.secrets_keys is (sensitive value)
    | local.secrets_values is (sensitive value)
Call to function "zipmap" failed: panic in function implementation: value is
marked, so must be unmarked first
goroutine 40961 [running]:
runtime/debug.Stack(0xc00c8f7ab8, 0x23d70a0, 0x2c3fd30)
    /usr/local/go/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x9f
panic(0x23d70a0, 0x2c3fd30)
    /usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:969 +0x1b9
    /go/pkg/mod/, 0xc000056410,
0x25b37c0, 0xc00987d380, 0xc00925ba00, 0xd)
    /go/pkg/mod/ +0x4f, 0x2,
0x2, 0x3dfd420, 0xc00c8f7f18, 0x0, 0x0)
0xc00ae4b580, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
0xc00ae4b580, 0x2, 0x2, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
0xc00988f880, 0x0, 0xc00c8f9800, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
+0x10c5*Scope).EvalExpr(0xc00a282f50, 0x2ce7b60,
0xc00083e870, 0x2ce9020, 0x3dfd420, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
    /home/circleci/project/project/lang/eval.go:171 +0x1b7*BuiltinEvalContext).EvaluateExpr(0xc007080410,
0x2ce7b60, 0xc00083e870, 0x2ce9020, 0x3dfd420, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x200000003,
0xc004ce1380, ...)
    /home/circleci/project/project/terraform/eval_context_builtin.go:287 +0xbb*NodeLocal).Execute(0xc002249ef0,
0x2d24da0, 0xc007080410, 0xc00c978002, 0x250a100, 0x2691400)
    /home/circleci/project/project/terraform/node_local.go:156 +0x71d*ContextGraphWalker).Execute(0xc003fbc410,
0x2d24da0, 0xc007080410, 0x7f4f08be8ac8, 0xc002249ef0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /home/circleci/project/project/terraform/graph_walk_context.go:127 +0xbc*Graph).walk.func1(0x2691400,
0xc002249ef0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
    /home/circleci/project/project/terraform/graph.go:59 +0x962*Walker).walkVertex(0xc002610120,
0x2691400, 0xc002249ef0, 0xc00ae4b440)
    /home/circleci/project/project/dag/walk.go:387 +0x375
created by*Walker).Update
    /home/circleci/project/project/dag/walk.go:309 +0x1246
nitrocode commented 3 years ago

Did you try the example i gave above and see if that works?

That looks like a terraform bug. Can you create a minimum viable reproducible example for this error?

syphernl commented 3 years ago

Yes I can reproduce it using:


resource "random_string" "password" {
  length  = 32
  special = false

output "test_password" {
  value       = random_string.password.result
  description = "Test password"
  sensitive   = true


module "test" {
  source = "./test_module"

module "demo_container" {
  source          = "git::"
  container_name  = "demo-container"
  container_image = "nginxdemos/hello:latest"

  secrets = [
      name      = "PASSWORD",
      valueFrom = module.test.test_password

  environment = [
      name  = "APP_ENV",
      value = "production",

  port_mappings = [
      containerPort = 80
      hostPort      = 80
      protocol      = "tcp"

  healthcheck = {
    command     = ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost:80/health || exit 1"]
    retries     = 5
    timeout     = 5
    interval    = 30
    startPeriod = 30

output "demo_container" {
  value = module.demo_container.json_map_encoded