cloudscape-design / demos

Cloudscape Design System demos
MIT No Attribution
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How to hide built-in top navigation bar ? #12

Closed francis-jjk closed 1 year ago

francis-jjk commented 1 year ago

Seems wired if there're to top nav bars image

connorlanigan commented 1 year ago


The header bar is defined here in our HTML generation script.

Note that this demos repository is not intended as a starter for a project setup, but rather for showcasing individual pages and their code (for example: there is no routing between the pages in this repository). We recommend to primarily copy code from files in the src/ folder, not the whole repo. You can find more instructions about setting up Cloudscape components in your own project in the "Using Cloudscape components" article on our website.

francis-jjk commented 1 year ago

[vite] Internal server error: Failed to resolve import "@cloudscape-design/global-styles/index.css" from "common/App.tsx". Does the file exist? after run: npm install @cloudscape-design/global-styles

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connorlanigan commented 1 year ago

This other error message is tracked at

michaeldowseza commented 1 year ago

Closing due to inactivity. Please feel free to open with additional comments or questions.