cloudsponge / contact-picker-examples

CloudSponge Widget Examples
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localhost-only.js Raven is not defined #2

Open johnrobertallan opened 7 years ago

johnrobertallan commented 7 years ago

I've included the example as you described here but it says it needs Raven. Is this correct/expected?

localhost-only.js:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: Raven is not defined at localhost-only.js:1 at HTMLScriptElement.r.readyState.r.onload (localhost-only.js:1) (anonymous) @ localhost-only.js:1 r.readyState.r.onload @ localhost-only.js:1

Then, if I add a script reference to raven: <script src=""></script>

I get:

localhost-only.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'config' of undefined at localhost-only.js:1 at HTMLScriptElement.r.readyState.r.onload (localhost-only.js:1) (anonymous) @ localhost-only.js:1 r.readyState.r.onload @ localhost-only.js:1

popeyefly3 commented 7 years ago
