cloudspout / cloudspout-button-panel

Grafana panel to integrate with any kind of HTTP/REST API
MIT License
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Allow for API responses to be rendered to the screen #65

Open fire833 opened 2 years ago

fire833 commented 2 years ago

This pull request tries to make seeing the API calls more user-friendly. It allows the response and status code to be rendered on the screen along with the raw text response in a sleek-looking return content panel. This PR also introduces a more dynamic authentication method for making API calls, allowing admins to trigger a popup for a requested API call, so the end user has to provide their API key to be sent along with the request. Here are some pictures of the new changes: Successful API call renders: image Toggled dynamic request for asking end-user for their key for requests: image Unsuccessful request: image

The API key request feature is toggleable, along with the actual rendering of the response in the screen, via the added side-panel toggles.

Please let me know if I need to change anything or if there are any suggestions for modifications/updates to styling.

flistonfr commented 1 year ago

Hello! I would like to try your pr. Could you help me on how to install it?