cloudspout / cloudspout-button-panel

Grafana panel to integrate with any kind of HTTP/REST API
MIT License
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New release for Grafana 8.2.3? #68

Open ermalbaj opened 3 years ago

ermalbaj commented 3 years ago

This is not working for the Grafana above v8.x.x Do you have any plan to update this plugin?

Jacq commented 3 years ago

I notice that the grafana published in the web here is the 7.0.23 , but in releases the latest is 7.0.25. Did you try the 7.0.25?, I tried to test it but it keeps warning about its signature and it is disabled by default, even allowing unsigned plugins. Do you have a plan for publishing this new 7.0.25 to the grafana web? Cheers Jacq

ermalbaj commented 3 years ago

seem like it is not maintained anymore by @derjust

brauhausdc commented 2 years ago

I'll add my Please make this work for 8.2 and above!!!!