cloudspout / cloudspout-button-panel

Grafana panel to integrate with any kind of HTTP/REST API
MIT License
50 stars 35 forks source link

release new version 7.0.26 in grafana Cloud registry #90

Open tweigel-dev opened 1 year ago

tweigel-dev commented 1 year ago

@derjust and @Jorgevillada , Thanks for the nice Plugin! It does exactly what I need. I noticed that the last signed version in the grafana cloud registry is 7.0.23. But in github you have release 7.0.25. Unfortunately this release is not signed and therefore it is not installable in grafana anymore. after release 7.0.25 there where also some interesting changes in main branch. So my request is, if you could build a new release 7.0.26 and publish it through the Grafana Cloud, like version 7.0.23?

Thanks for the great help in advance!

maxdd commented 1 year ago

I also would like this since with signature status=modified it is quite hard to bypass grafana complaints

ghost commented 1 year ago

I'm not one for just upvoting, but pull #46 "fixing credentials=include without credentials." is kinda crucial to the overall usability of this plugin.

chireia commented 1 year ago

💯 I'm also following this thread, is there any updates from the dev team? If there's any blockers I can try to help, I helped to create the WebSocket (datasource) API plugin, and I'm familiar with plugin development/deployment.

maxdd commented 1 year ago

it's 3 years so i guess they just dropped the project. If you are familiar with it, you should really try and publish a new version of the plugin (even after different name at this point).