I used wrong value for max-memory, got the error but the service was created nevertheless:
# ./firecamp-service-cli -region=us-east-1 -cluster=firecamp-prod -op=create-service -service-type=telegraf -service-name=telegraf-cass -tel-monitor-service-name=cass-prod -max-memory=100
2018-03-19 16:48:11.758071617 +0000 UTC create service error InternalError: ClientException: Invalid setting for container 'firecamp-prod-telegraf-cass-container'. 'memory' must be greater than or equal to 'memoryReservation'.
status code: 400, request id: 4f6dd6d9-2b95-11e8-b3a3-eb68ba90531c
Usage: firecamp-service-cli -op=create-service
-region string
The AWS region
-cluster string
The cluster name. Can only contain letters, numbers, or hyphens. default: mycluster
-service-type string
The catalog service type: mongodb|postgresql|cassandra|zookeeper|kafka|kafkamanager|redis|couchdb|consul|elasticsearch|kibana|logstash|telegraf
-service-name string
The service name. Can only contain letters, numbers, or hyphens. The max length is 58
-max-cpuunits int
The max number of cpu units for the container
-reserve-cpuunits int
The number of cpu units to reserve for the container. default: 256
-max-memory int
The max memory for the container, unit: MB
-reserve-memory int
The memory reserved for the container, unit: MB. default: 256
-volume-type string
The EBS volume type: gp2|io1|st1. default: gp2
-volume-size int
The size of each EBS volume, unit: GB
-volume-iops int
The EBS volume Iops when io1 type is chosen, otherwise ignored. default: 100
whether to create encrypted volume. default: false
It doesn't display the required option _-tel-monitor-service-name_, while showing volume options which are definitely out of scope.
Couple issues:
./firecamp-service-cli -region=us-east-1 -cluster=firecamp-prod -op=create-service -service-type=telegraf -service-name=telegraf-cass -tel-monitor-service-name=cass-prod
2018-03-19 16:49:31.649930624 +0000 UTC create service error ServiceExist: Service exists
./firecamp-service-cli -region=us-east-1 -cluster=firecamp-prod -op=create-service -help
Usage: firecamp-service-cli -op=create-service -region string The AWS region -cluster string The cluster name. Can only contain letters, numbers, or hyphens. default: mycluster -service-type string The catalog service type: mongodb|postgresql|cassandra|zookeeper|kafka|kafkamanager|redis|couchdb|consul|elasticsearch|kibana|logstash|telegraf -service-name string The service name. Can only contain letters, numbers, or hyphens. The max length is 58 -max-cpuunits int The max number of cpu units for the container -reserve-cpuunits int The number of cpu units to reserve for the container. default: 256 -max-memory int The max memory for the container, unit: MB -reserve-memory int The memory reserved for the container, unit: MB. default: 256 -volume-type string The EBS volume type: gp2|io1|st1. default: gp2 -volume-size int The size of each EBS volume, unit: GB -volume-iops int The EBS volume Iops when io1 type is chosen, otherwise ignored. default: 100 -volume-encrypted whether to create encrypted volume. default: false