Metadefender has a lot in common with VirusTotal but includes a few other features.
If used with a full setup users can make use of a self hosted core (like hosting your own VirusTotal), but you can use the free API for general use of the Metadefender cloud.
They have an extension which uses the free API for virus checking files
The free API for OPSWAT Metadefender would be great, imo. I use it as a source regularly and find it super useful and a good alternative / comparison to VT results
Metadefender has a lot in common with VirusTotal but includes a few other features. If used with a full setup users can make use of a self hosted core (like hosting your own VirusTotal), but you can use the free API for general use of the Metadefender cloud. They have an extension which uses the free API for virus checking files
Does this seem like a good addition ?