cloudwithax / pomice

The modern Lavalink wrapper designed for
GNU General Public License v3.0
67 stars 32 forks source link

Other libraries support #13

Closed Mylloon closed 3 years ago

Mylloon commented 3 years ago

Hello, are there any plans to support other versions of (>=2.0.0a)? is no longer maintained, the three I know of that maintain a fork are disnake, nextcord and pycord.

Are you planning to support any of them, all of them, or do you prefer to stick with the original version?

vveeps commented 3 years ago

as long as the inner voice workings are the same, they should work out of the box as pomice's implementation relies on discord.VoiceProtocol and everything does with it under the hood (guild.voice_client etc.)

you're free to test the library with those forks and report back, that'd be appreciated

cloudwithax commented 3 years ago

There are plenty of forks of the original code that are still being actively maintained. Also, no other Lavalink client libraries I know of support those libraries you mentioned due to the fact that they are either incomplete in terms of features or aren't popular enough to justify the demand.

cloudwithax commented 3 years ago

Also, Pomice relies heavily on code and absolutely needs it to function. If we were to support other libraries like the ones you mentioned, that would have to called for a nuclear rewrite of Pomice, which I and my other colleagues do not want to undergo at this time. This issue is now closed.