cloudy-astrophysics / bug-tracker-migration-test

Trial run for importing the Trac tickets as GitHub issues
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single-zone sim causes unit integration error (trac #396) #398

Closed cloudy-bot closed 4 years ago

cloudy-bot commented 6 years ago

reported by: @CloudyLex

The attached was submitted to me privately. It does stop with this error on both the trunk and c17.00. It is very fast.

 PROBLEM PrtComment insanity - Continuum unit integration did not verify 
 exact vol= 0.909091, derived vol= 0.907029 relative difference is 0.0022676 
 ConInterOut= 9.07029e-11,  
 Something that cannot happen, has happened.
 This is TotalInsanity, I live in ../service.cpp.

Migrated from

    "status": "closed",
    "changetime": "2019-02-04T16:18:34Z",
    "_ts": "1549297114434209",
    "description": "The attached was submitted to me privately.  It does stop with this error on both the trunk and c17.00.  It is very fast.\n\n{{{\n PROBLEM PrtComment insanity - Continuum unit integration did not verify \n exact vol= 0.909091, derived vol= 0.907029 relative difference is 0.0022676 \n ConInterOut= 9.07029e-11,  \n Something that cannot happen, has happened.\n This is TotalInsanity, I live in ../service.cpp.\n\n\n\n}}}",
    "reporter": "gary",
    "cc": "",
    "resolution": "fixed",
    "time": "2017-08-11T22:23:13Z",
    "component": "infrastructure",
    "summary": "single-zone sim causes unit integration error",
    "priority": "critical",
    "keywords": "",
    "version": "c17.00",
    "milestone": "c17.02",
    "owner": "peter",
    "type": "defect - code aborts"
cloudy-bot commented 6 years ago


cloudy-bot commented 6 years ago

dropbox link to mod file

The attached was submitted to me privately. It does stop with this error on both the trunk and c17.00. It is very fast.

 PROBLEM PrtComment insanity - Continuum unit integration did not verify 
 exact vol= 0.909091, derived vol= 0.907029 relative difference is 0.0022676 
 ConInterOut= 9.07029e-11,  
 Something that cannot happen, has happened.
 This is TotalInsanity, I live in ../service.cpp.


The attached was submitted to me privately. It does stop with this error on both the trunk and c17.00. It is very fast.

 PROBLEM PrtComment insanity - Continuum unit integration did not verify 
 exact vol= 0.909091, derived vol= 0.907029 relative difference is 0.0022676 
 ConInterOut= 9.07029e-11,  
 Something that cannot happen, has happened.
 This is TotalInsanity, I live in ../service.cpp.
cloudy-bot commented 6 years ago

@CloudyLex commented:

dropbox link to mod file

cloudy-bot commented 6 years ago

Original starburst file needed to run the sim Attachment: inst_m1e6_Z004.stb99.gz

cloudy-bot commented 6 years ago

Milestone renamed

cloudy-bot commented 6 years ago

Milestone renamed

cloudy-bot commented 6 years ago

@CloudyLex changed milestone from "C17.01" to "C17.02"

cloudy-bot commented 6 years ago

Milestone renamed

cloudy-bot commented 6 years ago

@peter-van-hoof-noaccount changed version from "trunk" to "c17.00"

cloudy-bot commented 6 years ago

second version of failing script Attachment:

cloudy-bot commented 6 years ago

The Starburst99 SED is an innocent bystander. Replacing it with a 50 kK BB yields the same problem. This sim is attached as

cloudy-bot commented 6 years ago

This bug was caused by a somewhat inaccurate definition of Dilution in rt_continuum.cpp. The correct value obtained by integrating (r_in/r)^2^ over the thickness of the zone (drad) is: r_in^2^/(r(r-drad)). We used (r_in/(r-drad/2))^2^ = r_in^2^/(r(r-drad) + drad^2^/4). The term drad^2^/4 was big enough to make the test trip in this case.

Fixed on the trunk in r12576 and on c17_branch in r12577.