The gas/grain drift will alter the average relative velocity between grains and incoming ions / atoms / molecules. This will alter both the collision rate and the energy of the incoming particle. We know the drift velocity, so we should be able to account for this effect in the grain collisional physics.
"status": "new",
"changetime": "2019-02-04T13:07:06Z",
"_ts": "1549285626580696",
"description": "The gas/grain drift will alter the average relative velocity between grains and incoming ions / atoms / molecules. This will alter both the collision rate and the energy of the incoming particle. We know the drift velocity, so we should be able to account for this effect in the grain collisional physics.",
"reporter": "peter",
"cc": "",
"resolution": "",
"time": "2009-03-04T17:23:56Z",
"component": "grains",
"summary": "add gas/grain drift in grain collisional physics",
"priority": "minor",
"keywords": "",
"version": "",
"milestone": "no milestone",
"owner": "peter",
"type": "physics"
reported by: peter
The gas/grain drift will alter the average relative velocity between grains and incoming ions / atoms / molecules. This will alter both the collision rate and the energy of the incoming particle. We know the drift velocity, so we should be able to account for this effect in the grain collisional physics.
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