However, the master branch was last update on May 27 (about 6 months ago), and the Description file lists the current master branch on version 0.3.22.
It appears that there are some meaningful changes there - partsize in put_obj for example. Is there anyway we can make a cran release? (I know a workaround is installing from github with devtools::intstall_gitub())
The current version of the package on CRAN is 0.3.21:
However, the master branch was last update on May 27 (about 6 months ago), and the Description file lists the current master branch on version 0.3.22.
It appears that there are some meaningful changes there -
in put_obj for example. Is there anyway we can make a cran release? (I know a workaround is installing from github withdevtools::intstall_gitub()