clovaai / tunit

Rethinking the Truly Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation - Official PyTorch Implementation (ICCV 2021)
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Any TensorFlow implementation? #2

Closed sayakpaul closed 4 years ago

sayakpaul commented 4 years ago


This paper is simply great!

I was actually looking for a TensorFlow implementation, specifically TensorFlow-compatible checkpoints/frozengraphs/SavedModel. My plan is to convert it to a TensorFlow Lite model and create a demo mobile application it.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

FriedRonaldo commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, we do not have any plan to implement TUNIT in tensorflow. However, you might refer to these articles for transferring the weights trained on pytorch to tensorflow; I hope that these articles help you to port the pretrained weight (

sayakpaul commented 4 years ago

Thank you, @FriedRonaldo for the heads up. I will see what I can squeeze out of these. I will keep y'all posted here.

sayakpaul commented 4 years ago

Sorry about the reiteration here. Could you point me to a particular snippet that might be helpful for running inferences on a single pair of images? I think that way the ONNX conversion process would be a bit easier.

FriedRonaldo commented 4 years ago

Actually, I have no experience in executing models on mobile platforms. The articles are from google. If your goal is just to convert the weights into a form of tensorflow, there might be many GitHub open sources. I think that the way you mentioned; pytorch->ONNX->TF seems to be easier than other ways.

I tested the method in ( with a simple model that takes two inputs (not TUNIT). I check that the export (torch.onnx.export ~) works, however, I do not test after this step because I do not have time enough to test all the porting procedure now. I am sorry for that. After my own work, I will try it with TUNIT.

I hope that it works for you.

sayakpaul commented 4 years ago

@FriedRonaldo thank you for being so generous. I was actually referring to the following workflow for running a demo inference:

Could you point me to a snippet in the current codebase of tunit that could help me implement this? Let me know if anything is unclear.

FriedRonaldo commented 4 years ago

Oh, I am sorry. I misunderstood your intention.

Is it correct that you ask about the important code parts to conduct the process you mentioned? If it is right, it might be like below:

If your images are loaded by cv2.imread or PIL,

  1. Read images in tensor
  2. Build the model with build_model (
  3. Load weights by load_model ( to load pretrained net
  4. Test with a loaded network.

args might contain 'gpu', 'distributed', 'batch_size', 'workers', 'ngpus_per_node', 'img_size', 'sty_dim', 'output_k', 'load_model', 'multiprocessing_distributed', 'start_epoch', 'log_dir'. (But you can skip many of them by modifying build_model and load_model If you run the inference only, start_epoch, 'multiprocessing_distributed', 'workers', 'ngpus_per_node' can be skipped by removing some "if" statements.)

import models and other
init. args

networks, _ = build_model(args)
load_model(args, networks, {})
C_EMA = networks['C_EMA']
G_EMA = networks['G_EMA']

Then generate images like 

x_src and x_ref are tensor shaped in [1, 3, 128, 128].

c_src = G_EMA.cnt_encoder(x_src)
s_ref = C_EMA(x_ref, sty=True)
x_res = G_EMA.decode(c_src, s_ref)

you can also modify the build_model and load_model to remove the discriminator and optimizers.

Does it correspond to your intention? I understand the comment as you want to write a simplified script to conduct an inference with a single image.

FriedRonaldo commented 4 years ago

Here, this is the simplest code:

import torch
from models.generator import Generator
from models.guidingNet import GuidingNet
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchvision.utils as vutils
from PIL import Image
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor

G = Generator(128, 128)
C = GuidingNet(128)

load_file = './logs/animalFaces10_0_00/model_4568.ckpt'

checkpoint = torch.load(load_file, map_location='cpu')


x_src = ToTensor()('human1.png')).unsqueeze(0)
x_ref = ToTensor()('source.jpg')).unsqueeze(0)

x_src = F.interpolate(x_src, size=(128, 128))
x_ref = F.interpolate(x_ref, size=(128, 128))

x_src = (x_src - 0.5) / 0.5
x_ref = (x_ref - 0.5) / 0.5

c_src = G.cnt_encoder(x_src)
s_ref = C.moco(x_ref)
x_res = G.decode(c_src, s_ref)

vutils.save_image(x_res, 'test_out.jpg', normalize=True, padding=0)

I write this after your comment. You should change x_src and x_ref to your exmaples. If you run this with noise vectors, it produces a weird one.

Totally random texture. (Somewhat scary) - gaussian source and reference. test

Real example: reference reference source source result test_out

reference: source source: human1

result: test_out

sayakpaul commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for your detailed guidance. I genuinely appreciate this. I will try putting together a Colab Notebook from this conversation and will also try including the TensorFlow conversion steps for the community to get benefitted.

Thank you once again :)

FriedRonaldo commented 4 years ago

Glad to be helpful!

sayakpaul commented 4 years ago

@FriedRonaldo I was able to put together a Colab Notebook from your code snippet. Currently, I am having to first copy over the checkpoint files to my personal Drive. This could have been a bit more accessible if you hosted the checkpoint files as a GitHub Release. It would allow the users to easily retrieve them using wget.

Regarding ONNX export, I have raised an issue on the PyTorch forums. I Will update here if I can make some progress.

FriedRonaldo commented 4 years ago

Ok. I got it. I am not used to GitHub Release, however, I will try it to make this convenient. I saw your Colab notebook and the result. It is good work! But there must be a constraint on the choice of the reference image. The reference image you used is not a domain included in the training.

The issue on ONNX seems that forward function is not implemented. I added the implementation of forward to solve the problem. The inference code changes from

c_src = G.cnt_encoder(x_src)
s_ref = C.moco(x_ref)
x_res = G.decode(c_src, s_ref)


s_ref = C.moco(x_ref)
x_res = G(x_src, s_ref)

Edit: After reading your colab code, I decided to write a code for inference with a single image in Colab. I will be uploaded in four days.

sayakpaul commented 4 years ago

I am not used to GitHub Release, however, I will try it to make this convenient.

So, here's a workflow that you could follow:

GitHub Releases also allow you to simply drag and drop files to added them to a particular release. So, it's really convenient.

But there must be a constraint on the choice of the reference image. The reference image you used is not a domain included in the training.

Sure, I can add a note on that in the Notebook itself.

After reading your colab code, I decided to write a code for inference with a single image in Colab.

Great! Do you think we could collaborate on that? We already have a decent Colab Notebook ready. In order to make the user experience a bit more seamless, you could create the GitHub release with the model checkpoints. Meanwhile, I can polish the notebook with more annotations, etc. We can then bounce back feedback. What do you think?

FriedRonaldo commented 4 years ago

So, here's a workflow that you could follow: Simply zip the individual folders and name them accordingly. Add the different zipped checkpoints to a release. Publish the release. GitHub Releases also allow you to simply drag and drop files to added them to a particular release. So, it's really convenient.

Thanks for your suggestion! I will try it with the workflow.

Great! Do you think we could collaborate on that? We already have a decent Colab Notebook ready. In order to make the user experience a bit more seamless, you could create the GitHub release with the model checkpoints. Meanwhile, I can polish the notebook with more annotations, etc. We can then bounce back feedback. What do you think?

I think it is a good idea. However, I am busy with my personal work till Saturday(KST 6/20), though, I will try keeping to communicate with you as fast as I can.

sayakpaul commented 4 years ago

Of course! I appreciate it. Meanwhile, I will add the necessary comments in the Notebook.

FriedRonaldo commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your effort!

victorca25 commented 4 years ago

I am not used to GitHub Release, however, I will try it to make this convenient.

So, here's a workflow that you could follow:

  • Simply zip the individual folders and name them accordingly.

  • Add the different zipped checkpoints to a release.

  • Publish the release.

You can also do a simple !wget to download the models from drive, no need to put them in the release

FriedRonaldo commented 4 years ago

@victorca25 Thanks for the suggestion. I will try wget with drive first.

sayakpaul commented 4 years ago

@victorca25 I don't think that's possible from the direct shareable link one would get from the .ckpt files. Here's an example:

victorca25 commented 4 years ago

@sayakpaul works for me

Edit: this may help

sayakpaul commented 4 years ago

Well, it comes with specifications if I understood correctly. But I don't think one would be able to use wget or curl to retrieve the checkpoints using their shareable links. Hosting them as GitHub release might be an easier solution.

I did create a Gist a couple of months back that demonstrates the entire process of retrieving Drive files (publically shared) using wget.

FriedRonaldo commented 4 years ago

@sayakpaul I added the file animalFaces10_0_00.ckpt to release as a form of .zip. Sorry for late.

sayakpaul commented 4 years ago

No worries, @FriedRonaldo. Here's the Colab Notebook, I prepared with your pointers:

FriedRonaldo commented 4 years ago

@sayakpaul Good!