cloverfield-tools / universal-react-boilerplate

A simple boilerplate Node app.
MIT License
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how can'i build my app nodejs with babel-watch #116

Open mohamedbrahimi opened 5 years ago

mohamedbrahimi commented 5 years ago

My package.json : `"scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1", "dev": "babel-watch server.js"

}, "keywords": [], "author": "", "license": "ISC", "devDependencies": { "babel-cli": "^6.26.0", "babel-preset-env": "^1.7.0", "babel-watch": "^2.0.7" },`

nkbt commented 5 years ago

I reckon this project is way too outdated to actually work anymore.

mohamedbrahimi commented 5 years ago

i solved it, i add this lines to my package.json :

"scripts": { "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1", "dev": "babel-watch server.js", "clean" :"rm -rf dist/*", "build": "npm run clean && babel ./ --out-dir dist/ --ignore ./node_modules,./.babelrc,./package.json,./npm-debug.log --copy-files", "start": "npm run build && node dist/server.js" }, :+1:

ericelliott commented 5 years ago

I recommend switching to Next.js