cloverhearts / quilljs-markdown

QuillJS Editor Plugin for advanced Markdown
MIT License
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Error `this.quillJS.getLine is not a function` #74

Open vadimkantorov opened 9 months ago

vadimkantorov commented 9 months ago

Hi @cloverhearts !

I'm setting up Quill + QuillMarkdown as follows:

            <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
            <script src=""></script>
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
            <script src=""></script>

        <div id="editor"></div>
            const editor = new Quill('#editor', { theme: 'snow' });
            const editor_markdown = new QuillMarkdown(editor);

This loads without errors in Chrome DevConsole.

However, when I start typing # hello, I get this strange result:

app.js:34 Uncaught TypeError: this.quillJS.getLine is not a function
    at t.value (app.js:34:39)
    at Emitter.emit (quill.js:4316:28)
    at Emitter.emit (quill.js:4146:100)
    at Editor.update (quill.js:4046:44)
    at Emitter.emit (quill.js:4310:34)
    at Emitter.emit (quill.js:4146:100)
    at Scroll.update (quill.js:6299:23)
    at MutationObserver.<anonymous> (quill.js:1401:20)
value @ app.js:34
emit @ quill.js:4316
emit @ quill.js:4146
update @ quill.js:4046
emit @ quill.js:4310
emit @ quill.js:4146
update @ quill.js:6299
(anonymous) @ quill.js:1401

How could I get this basic example to work?

Thank you very much :)

Basically, my usecase is creating a simple WYSIWYG markdown editor for files stored at GitHub. Is this secnario possible? Does quilljs-markdown preserve the underlying Markdown? Or is it not possible to retrieve it? I saw, but don't understand completely the limitation you described

vadimkantorov commented 9 months ago

Okay, it appears it's because I followed Quill's README a bit too well and used Quill version 1.0.0 instead of 1.3.7:

But maybe it would be great if quilljs-markdown README included this complete HTML example

cloverhearts commented 9 months ago

Thank you for your report. I'll fix it soon. 👍