Users could design / draw a custom clover and register it as a bounty
The bounty comes with a CC reward that is locked up in the contract
Could be locked up for a certain amount of time and the user can withdraw after that period
Otherwise what happens to bounties on Clovers that are impossible / never found?
Other users could contribute to the bounty in one of the following ways
Pure donation
Money just goes to whoever finds it, original poster gets to keep it
Competing contribution
This could be like a dollar auction where only the highest bidder gets to keep the Clover and all other bidders lose their bid to the bounty hunter (my fav)
or the other bidder is allowed to withdraw their funds if outbid
or the other bidder is allowed to withdraw some percentage of their funds
Pigs should be capable of searching for a specific Clover or set so that they look for all bounties
Probably better to be selective about which ones because it will slow the pig down to iterate through all bounties
Pigs should maybe be offered as a desktop app or as a cloud service
Once the Bounty is fulfilled the hunter can use the front-running resistant method of registering the Clover and claiming the reward.
Could also opt to not fulfill the bounty and hold on to the Clover
Bounties that exist for Clovers that have already been registered become OBOs
Should OBOs work like dollar auctions too? It's actually a pretty good deterrent to auction griefing...