clovers-network / clovers-dapp

Discover, collect & trade cryptographic icons
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Instructions to deploy Clovers #437

Open Troublor opened 3 years ago

Troublor commented 3 years ago

Hi, I would like to play with Clovers and do some coding contributions. But I couldn't find a instructions about how to deploy the contracts, backend server and front-end dapp on my own machine. Could you provide some guidelines?

okwme commented 3 years ago

Hello! lists most of the commands recommended for deploying the contracts

i believe the current build uses buidlr (now hardhat— i'll be online this evening (CET) if you want more real time support, just let me know!

for the API you can see a list of build and dev commands here:

you should install rethinkdb and run in a separate window first, then when you run the server run command with the flag build it will generate the correct db structures for you.

i'd be happy to go through it in real time with you if you're in a CET suitable timezone tonight, just message me on discord.

maybe @n-kort could also write up a bit how to get a local dev env set up?

Troublor commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your kindness. I am afraid not available this CET night (I'm in UTC+8). I can leave you messages if I encounter problems. Do you prefer GitHub issues here or on discord?