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Runtime support for aspnetcore-runtime-8.0.0-win-x86? #192

Closed mikebm closed 9 months ago

mikebm commented 9 months ago

Any chance we can get aspnetcore-runtime-8.0.0-win-x86 and x64 added as framework options? net8.0-x86 only installs the desktop framework where as my app uses both, the desktop and aspnetcore-runtime-8.0.0-win-x86


caesay commented 9 months ago

This is already supported. All versions of dotnet core there ever was and ever will be is supported already (in theory).

Try --framework net8-x86-asp,net8-x64-asp.

mikebm commented 9 months ago

Thank you, this worked perfectly. I was looking in Runtimes.cs and didn't notice the -asp option so figured it wasn't supported. Guess I should have dug a little deeper. Thanks for the help! much appreciated.