clowder-framework / CONSORT-frontend

custom react frontend working with consort clowder instance
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Finding small boxes in grobid coordinates #79

Open minump opened 4 months ago

minump commented 4 months ago

Find small rectangles from grobid coordinates. This is to see if grobid misses / gives wrong coordinates for sentences.

minump commented 4 months ago

Small boxes (width<5) are usually references. Eg [2]. The scales (canvasWidth/pageWidth) is usually 1, or close to 1 (0.9, 0.87 etc).

minump commented 4 months ago

Grobid has references (super scripts and subscripts) as part of a sentence, but has a different box/coordinates for the references (superscript / subscript). The separate box is usually very small (<5 width).

minump commented 3 months ago

Code for small boxes is in the feature-branch. But not integrated yet.