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Kingman "the internet is slow" guide #118

Closed clonm closed 5 years ago

clonm commented 6 years ago

We should help @kngnm debug and also write up a flow chart or something of debugging steps

clonm commented 5 years ago

We fixed Kingman's problem for the moment by disconnecting their router so that they get IPs from Cloyne's router


speedtest-cil down speedtest-cli up toadserver down toadserver up
server3 50-56 Mbit/s 28-34 Mb/s
Zach's and Ellie's laptops on Kingman's wifi 7-14 Mbit/s 13-27 Mbit/s 4 Mbit/s 8-14 Mbit
toadserver 5 Mbit/s down 14 Mb/s up
Zach's laptop directly connected to kng-router 6.5 Mbit/s 21.15 Mbit/s
Ellie's laptop directly connected to Kingman switch 39 Mbit/s 18 Mbit/s
Ellie's laptop on Kingman's wifi after disconnecting Kingman's router 50 Mbit/s 20 Mbit/s

Before disconnecting Kingman's router, we also

  1. Assigned kng-router a static local IP address from clo-router
  2. Set up port forwarding on kng-router so that toadserver could be reached from the outside: 2a. Under IP > Firewall > NAT, added a rule (under action dns-nat we set "to address" to toadserver's 192.169.x.x IP):
Action Chain Src. Address Dst. Address Protocol Src. Port Dst. Port Any. Port In. Interface out. Interface
dst-nat dstnat 6 (tcp) 8000 (Kingman's default)

2b. Under IP > Firewall > Filters, added a rule:

Action Chain Src. Address Dst. Address Protocol Src. Port Dst. Port Any. Port In. Interface out. Interface
accept forward 6 (tcp) 22


kngnm commented 5 years ago


Potential Solution: set ether1 to Full Duplex 100Mb/s. I will have to wait for a good time to drop the internet to try this. I will keep you updated.


kngnm commented 5 years ago

Update: I have corrected the Duplex Mismatch using the solution above. It seems to have resolved the speed issues. I have been consistently seeing speeds between 20 and 40Mb/s using speedtest-cli on my laptop. I am working on trying to set up the router as it was historically. It is now setup to use the ip range as specified on the mesh github page. I have also been working to configure it to use Cloyne's DNS server on server2.cloyne. The idea is that if the router's configuration matches as closely as possible to the last router that was used on the network, problems like this one will probably not come up in the future. Thanks for your support. @clonm

clonm commented 5 years ago

see also: upgrading to gigabit