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Redo all patch cables in the network closet(s) #87

Closed mitar closed 7 years ago

mitar commented 7 years ago

We have replacement cables, we should redo all patch cables.

We have ethernet cables/patch cables:

ghost commented 7 years ago

I'm doing this. @tuesday, nov. 13th morning.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Central wing

2nd floor


14303829_886126851532242_1753933999_o 14339364_886126841532243_1599139860_o



3rd floor



ghost commented 7 years ago

East wing

2nd floor






3rd floor





mitar commented 7 years ago

(You could just edit the comments.)

ghost commented 7 years ago

but like isn't there only one network closet per floor? [floor no, wing name]

mitar commented 7 years ago

I updated labels so that they are consistent. :-)

ghost commented 7 years ago

looks better, thank you!! :)

ahdinosaur commented 7 years ago

oooh, so great! :sparkles:

mitar commented 7 years ago

@eranda2595: Please update the issue with latest information on the progress.

Also do not throw simply everything into the electronic waste. Not everything is electronic waste. Some things are simply soft plastic (like bags). Please clean that up.

Also, in general, make space around switches tidy. Do not leave wires hanging around so that others might hit them when they are using closets.

ghost commented 7 years ago

West Wing

2nd floor


14375294_889756844502576_81726947_o 14407973_889756894502571_77710121_o 14375294_889756844502576_81726947_o



3rd floor




ghost commented 7 years ago

Central wing






mitar commented 7 years ago

For second floor please update the comment above, where is already one photo.

Also, format text around images in the same way as other comments are. You can click on edit button to see Markdown syntax used.

Moreover, why 4 yellow cables on the third floor?

mitar commented 7 years ago

And on the second floor you mixed one black cable.

mitar commented 7 years ago

Also, upload new photos for east wing.

ghost commented 7 years ago


  1. updated.
  2. thanks. updated the syntax and should be fixed.
  3. needed to check with you about that because I assumed the yellow for uplink cable.
  4. we ran out of grey cables, that's why I had to use that.
  5. uploaded.
mitar commented 7 years ago

We care only about the latest state of our improvements. So we want old photos, and latest state of improvements. (In west wing 2nd floor you have old improved and new improved photo.)

we ran out of grey cables, that's why I had to use that.

You should not reuse the color which is meaningful in the same context. Which of those cables are not an uplink? You cannot tell. Reuse old cables and then we can buy one more set of cables.

Why you didn't report here that we ran out of cables? We could already order new ones and have them delivered today. It is at least 2 days ago since you noticed that we ran out of cables.

In east wing you have old photos for latest state. We moved all cables to come from the right. Please update photos with latest state.

So west wing third floor cables are mixed. And second floor west wing one cable is mixed. Moreover, you do not start from right with rooms, as we discussed. You should start from right with rooms, and then left top set of ports is used for special ports.

mitar commented 7 years ago

OK, I went through all cabinets and fixed the cables and labeled them. I also replaced old 100 Mbit/s switches with new small Gigabit. I updated photos above with the latest state of all cabinets.

This is now done.

@eranda2595, thanks for all the help!