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Test ethernet ports and WiFi speeds in every room #93

Open mitar opened 7 years ago

mitar commented 7 years ago

Test speed with:

iperf -c
ck2qsuZT commented 7 years ago

This can probably be done during room condition reports. It should also probably all be tested with the same client to avoid differences in hardware.

mitar commented 7 years ago

We were thinking of doing this just separately. With a crew of people going around. The process would be:

I would not bother using the same equipment. It would take too long. What we want that numbers are reasonable. There are also many other reasons why measurements might not be very representative (measuring device connecting to far AP, for example).

Let's just get some data and then try to improve.

The idea is that this is done this semester. @eranda2595, how is that going?