clseibold / ImportantZites

List of Important Zites for ZeroNet.
MIT License
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What makes this zite unique? (Zite Goals) #7

Open ghost opened 7 years ago

ghost commented 7 years ago

As I have been building this zite, I have been collecting many different zite addresses to be shown on this zite. One of the many types of zites I have collected are Search Engines and Zite Lists. Since there are so many of these, why would ZeroNet need yet another zite list?!

Well... I have been thinking more about this and what would make this zite more unique, and have come up with these five main goals/values the zite should focus on:

  1. Collaboration - requests, voting, etc.
  2. Importance - favorites, voting, etc.
  3. Speed
  4. Modern & Mobile-friendly
  5. Inclusivity/Multilingual