cltorresfe / members

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112 aline avatar on members list and main page include list of members #116

Closed cltorresfe closed 8 years ago

cltorresfe commented 8 years ago

@alagos ...aqui una solución, aunque no me convence 100%

alagos commented 8 years ago

@cltorresfe le voy a echar una mirada. Ah y creo que tendrías que hacer un merge de master en esta rama, porque se están cayendo los tests con algo que arreglé en la mañana

alagos commented 8 years ago

Al entrar al home:

ActionView::Template::Error (no implicit conversion of nil into String):
    63:                           = link_to gravatar_image_tag(, filetype: :png, rating: 'pg', class:'img-circle img-responsive img-container', secure: false, gravatar: { default: :mm }, :style => "width: 60%; display: block;" ), edit_member_path(member)
    64:                           .mask.mask-last
    65:                             %p
    66:                               = member.first_name+' '+member.last_name
    67:                               %br Ingreso:
    68:                               = member.created_at.strftime("%m/%d/%Y")

app/views/main/index.html.haml:66:in `+'
app/views/main/index.html.haml:66:in `block in _app_views_main_index_html_haml__1590848173010974305_70112022377060'
app/views/main/index.html.haml:58:in `each'
app/views/main/index.html.haml:58:in `_app_views_main_index_html_haml__1590848173010974305_70112022377060'

Para string concatenados es mejor usar interpolación con #{} en vez de + y te evitas esos errores