club-soda / club-soda-guide

Mindful Drinking Movement - Club Soda MVP 2.0
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Which metrics should we track? #97

Open iteles opened 6 years ago

iteles commented 6 years ago

Moved these questions from @nelsonic to their own issue from so that we are able to discuss each topic separately:


For example: The Venue (Place) Content Type will be rendered as a "place page". Tracking "page views" for the venue page is a good baseline metric however it's "crude" and does not inform us what the "success" of the page is. Questions we need to ask (and thus collect metrics on) include: Did the user (Consumer) viewing the place page:

We need to be proactive about describing the specific metrics we want to track for each Content Type and Person interacting with that content in order to determine "success". Only by actively tracking the "action completion" metrics will we (the Product/Project Owner and Developers) be able to know that what we are building is "what people want". i.e. is it helping the people (Persona) to achieve their goal?

In order to track the Consumer "User Journey", we need to store a "fingerprint" of the device on the server -> see/example: We can then lookup that device in the Log when they return to the application and continue to track their "progress" in their user journey. If they had previously viewed a Venue and then closed their web browser, but then returned after an amount of time e.g. 3h (exact time elapsed TBD) we can display a new piece of UI to them asking: "did you visit this venue? would you like to rate it?" (also copy TBD) And display a simple ("low friction") rating input so they can easily rate the venue. We should expand on the Ratings/Reviews content types and UX in: but our reasoning for everything we do on this project needs to be: Does this help the user (Persona) to achieve their goal?

Questions we need to Answer:

If we can answer the following questions (we will have a much greater chance of success):

What metrics do ....

5. Metrics?

  1. Which Metrics to Track? Page Views vs. Engagement and Action?

Is the objective of the Website to get more page views? or to help people change their behaviour? Viewing the page is the first step, but it's not in itself a good metric to focus on.

A much better metric would be to track "completed actions" of the user journey through the website. e.g:

Do we have stats for the annual expenditure of mindful (or non-alcoholic) drink consumers? e.g: image

What are the "biggest concerns" for the Pubs? (what keeps them "up at night"?) And how can we help them to be successful instead of going out of business? image

Note: I'm not suggesting that "success" for a pub is selling people more alcohol.

We should seek to understand the following metrics:

Feedback Loop?

Note: this is a non-exhaustive list; it's a "starting point" of the questions we should be seeking clarity on so that we have a "SMART" goal for the project (beyond "build a CMS website").

jussi-club-soda commented 6 years ago

Objectives of the site: 1) nudge venues to be better (stock more low/no alcohol drinks, display and serve them better, train their staff about them, treat all customers well) 2) provide information to consumers about venues and drinks; and direct them to buy drinks from our partner online shops (DryDrinker, WiseBartender, Amazon) to provide Club Soda with revenue 3) provide drink brands with a marketing opportunity

Any usage is good news. For venues, clicks on drinks and where to buy them means they are searching for the right information (and hopefully taking action based on it, but we can't track things outside of the site). For consumers, searching and browsing means they are finding information. So journeys are useful to track.

We have a bunch of statistics here (sales in terms of ££ are not usually public information and often hard to find):

For pubs, money is the number 1 relevant concern for us (they also have many other worries but we can't keep UK in the EU with this website...). Any publicity = more customers = more sales that we can get them is good news. We don't have any of the metrics Nelson lists above on venue sales etc. They will vary form venue to venue. But we do have a decent sales pitch to them on why they should do better on low/no drinks (our ongoing research project will hopefully gives us more here, but this type of data is really hard to get hold of...)

Feedback loop: Club Soda individual members: over 20k in total, some on our website, some on Facebook, some on MeetUp, some on two or three platforms. Venues listed on now: 302 (maybe 30 of them not signed up, just a listing created by Club Soda) Drinks: 162 brands and 452 products on our Airtable database; 500 people on our email list.

Would it be useful to give you access to our Google Analytics?

nelsonic commented 6 years ago

@jussi-club-soda yes, access to GA would be useful for us to establish baseline key metrics. Then we should regularly review them once a new version of the site/app is launched. Thanks.

nelsonic commented 6 years ago

@Cleop I have updated the issue description above with a "Todo List". We need @jussi-club-soda's help with getting access to the existing GA data. Familiarising ourselves with and summarising the existing metrics should (ideally) not take more than a couple of hours. Once that is done, we need to review each of the (3) primary content types #94 and determine what the Metrics that we need to collect are for each one. Specifically what constitutes a "goal achievement" for the person "consuming" that content?

Armed with that insight we will be in a much better position to ensure that we are capturing the right data for each feature we build and thus helping the team (and stakeholders) to be more "Data Driven".

Please let me know if you have any questions (by posting comments on this issue). Thanks! ✨

jussi-club-soda commented 6 years ago

@nelsonic send me the emails and I'll get you access to our GA! I'm at

iteles commented 6 years ago

@Cleop @Danwhy @nelsonic You should all now have access to GA, but please ignore the latest two months of data as there has been a problem with these!

Thanks @jussi-club-soda 😊

Cleop commented 6 years ago

Metrics for the 3 primary content types:


Basic metric: venue page views Goal: Reach the venue page and then to visit the venue. Goal metric:


Basic metric: drinks page views Goal: reach a drinks page and then buy the drink from a partner website. Goal metric:

Goal: reaches a drinks page and then goes and tries that drink at a venue. Goal metric:

People (User personas)

Bradley, Drinks Brand Manager

Goal: evidence that it's worth paying for a premium brand listing Goal metric:

Goal: to know more about the users that are interested in my product Goal metric:

Vicky, Venue Manager

Goal: to be able to simply upload my venue to the site Goal metric:

Goal: to know which non / low alcohol drinks are the most popular so they know what to start stocking Goal metric:

Goal: to know if a lot of people in my area have visited CS so I know if the low / no alcohol trend may be present in my area Goal metric:

Goal: to be able to recommend a venue serving great non alcoholic drinks to go to with my friends after work Basic metric: venue page views Goal metric:

Jussi, Club Soda

Goal: for the website to build a sustainable community of people who use it Goal metric:

Some of these metrics cross over between content type and personas so have been repeated

nelsonic commented 6 years ago

Traffic (Customer Acquisition) Sources

The success of the project/product depends on our ability to:

In-bound traffic source metrics are essential for understanding the effectiveness of customer acquisition "strategy".

Our goal in reviewing, summarising and analysing this data is to answer the question:

Where Should CS Focus Customer Acquisition Efforts?

The biggest segment (42%) of in-bound traffic (people visiting) to: is from referrals: (links from other websites) image image Referrals are also the lowest "Bounce Rate":

image Which makes sense given that they are usually the highest relevance as people are intentionally clicking on a link from a page that itself had relevant content, i.e. people are clicking a link in order to "read more". Even so they are "bouncing" around 50% of the time when arriving from ...

Of the referral traffic, 77% is from and 7.7% is image

The union of the two top sources is (just under) 85%: image

The next 6% of traffic is from "SEO Service" and has a 100% bounce rate: image So it's not relevant as a traffic source and does not warrant further analysis (at this stage!)

In-bound Traffic from "External" Sources (Not "Controlled" by CS)

The next sources from real (external) websites are:

Nudging Pubs appears to be a purpose-built "link back" site (owned/operated by CS): nudgingpubs

The content appears to be good, and referrals have a low bounce rate. image

A blog by Laurie Mcallister, Freelance Writer & Blogger (and "influencer") Working to make not drinking cool:

image image

jussi-club-soda commented 6 years ago

Just to note that since our pilot we have not made much of an effort to publicize the site - it gets mentioned by us on our own websites so I'm not surprised most of the referral traffic comes from us ourselves. This should change once we relaunch to the public in January 2019!

nelsonic commented 6 years ago

@jussi-club-soda thanks for confirming. 👍 I just wanted to summarise the existing traffic sources analytics data so that we have a reference.

jessyclubsoda commented 5 years ago

How do we go about implementing some of the metrics that @Cleop suggested here?