clugg / sm-json

A pure SourcePawn JSON encoder/decoder.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Exception on recursive JSON decoding #3

Closed EnriqCG closed 5 years ago

EnriqCG commented 5 years ago


I'm having issues decoding a JSON that contains nested objects or arrays inside. Frustated with not knowing what the issue is, I copy-pasted the example in the README but fails too, so seems to be a library-issue.

public void onEvent(const char[] json) {
    // function is empty. just testing this
    // copied from
    JSON_Object obj = json_decode("{\"myfloat\":73.570000,\"myobject\":[],\"myhandle\":null,\"mybool\":false,\"name\":\"my class\",\"myint\":9001}");

gives the following error on the console

Exception reported: Not enough space on the stack
[SM] Blaming: telemetry.smx
[SM] Call stack trace:
[SM] [1] Line 244, sourcemod\scripting\include\
[SM] [2] Line 304, sourcemod\scripting\include\

Thanks for your time.

clugg commented 5 years ago

Hi Enrique, Thanks for pointing this out. It was the result of a couple of different things.

I failed to mention in the README that due to the large amount of stack space the library uses, you would likely need to increase your plugin's stack space using #pragma dynamic - as you can see in json_test.sp, I had modified the stack space accordingly.

You can read more about #pragma dynamic here, although unfortunately this is the only information I've found, as I can't find a mention of it anywhere in the sourcemod docs. While adding this to your code would likely fix your issue, I believe that you uncovered a larger issue: I was unnecessarily using more stack space than was actually required. I defined an arbitary JSON_BUFFER_SIZE value which was rather large and used in a few different places.

However, after going through the code again I've found that each instance where that constant was used could be optimised to use a known value instead. As such, I've optimised the library to the point where you should no longer need to modify your stack space using #pragma dynamic, unless you are directly working with larger JSON structures. You can find all of the relevant commits below.

Please let me know if you run into any more issues, and thanks again!

EnriqCG commented 5 years ago

I can confirm it works without using #pragma dynamic.

Thanks a lot for the descriptive response and the quick fix!