clugh / coc-proxy

A simple Clash of Clans proxy, implementing the new encryption, built on top of Twisted in Python 3.5.
44 stars 12 forks source link

issues with packet routing and initial setup #7

Closed mrqaidi closed 8 years ago

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

after apk patched and stuff installed for coc-proxy i cant see its getting any packets

just saying listening on ...

butttons commented 8 years ago

Add '' with your network IP address to the hosts file in your android device.

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

can i use or do you know proxycap method

clugh commented 8 years ago

Did you change the URL when you patched the APK?

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

no i did not change any url can you tell me where ?

clugh commented 8 years ago

In the config.json file. The URL must be exactly 22 characters long. If you don't use a local IP or hostname, you'll have to forward your ports. If you don't already know how to to do that, I suggest using the Hosts Editor method, which requires root.

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

i can see in config URL: to where o i have to pint this in my hosts

clugh commented 8 years ago is the default URL. You can change that value in the config.json file to change it when you patch the APK.

If you keep it, use Hosts Editor (requires root) with that URL and your server's local IP address.

If you change it, the notes in my previous reply apply.

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

i put but its not working i am getting unable to connect ot server

clugh commented 8 years ago

Bluestacks is a virtual machine, so you can't use You'll have to use your machine's local IP address. The simplest way to find it would be to run ipconfig.

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

from ipconfig i see these

Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::e9ae:50e2:9b10:a208%14(Preferred) IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : i used ipv4 still no luck

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

i forget to run coc-proxy while run game now i got this error

listening on ...
connection from ...
connected to ...
10100 Error: 'Message definition missing (10100).'
10100 2774000048000000000001000000070000000800000000000000d400000028363134316138393739333633316165326661356163653438366164316334333961353137616161620000000200000002
20100 Error: 'Message definition missing (20100).'
20100 4e8400001c0000000000188268e54240a335c5f411eb607c314c68ab4d7656805e36fb
Failed to decrypt the message (server, 10101).
connection from closed ...
connection to closed ...
mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

fxed by putting messes files but now i got this

listening on ...
connection from ...
connected to ...
ClientHandshake: {
  "unknown_0": 1,
  "unknown_1": 7,
  "majorVersion": 8,
  "unknown_3": 0,
  "minorVersion": 212,
  "masterHash": "6141a89793631ae2fa5ace486ad1c439a517aaab",
  "unknown_6": 2,
  "unknown_7": 2
ServerHandshake: {
  "sessionKey": "6c345acf65f4a783c9b76e9d1a2abfa1450caaf990a92dfe"
Failed to decrypt the message (server, 10101).
connection from closed ...
connection to closed ...
connection from ...
connected to ...
ClientHandshake: {
  "unknown_0": 1,
  "unknown_1": 7,
  "majorVersion": 8,
  "unknown_3": 0,
  "minorVersion": 212,
  "masterHash": "6141a89793631ae2fa5ace486ad1c439a517aaab",
  "unknown_6": 2,
  "unknown_7": 2
ServerHandshake: {
  "sessionKey": "0c2004a0c07e17444384c94b8b66d7a717434767e855b795"
Failed to decrypt the message (server, 10101).
connection from closed ...
connection to closed ...
butttons commented 8 years ago

Public key isn't correct maybe. See in client folder where the 32 bit public key is there. Is it the same for your version?

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

you mean key from config.json patcher script . its was not same and i changed but still same result :(

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago
  "key": "469b704e7f6009ba8fc72e9b5c864c8e9285a755c5190f03f5c74852f6d9f419" in config.josn

self._serverkey = PublicKey(bytes.fromhex("469b704e7f6009ba8fc72e9b5c864c8e9285a755c5190f03f5c74852f6d9f419"))

its same

clugh commented 8 years ago

The key in config.json shouldn't be changed unless you're using a different private key on the server side.

The issue is that the proxy has not been updated with the latest public key from here. Update it here, it and it should work. I have a patch incoming that will automatically check the version number and pull any missing keys from the wiki, but it will be a few days before it is ready.

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

i did not change any key in config.json . also the key there is same in here also on is same key with config.json and still not working

clugh commented 8 years ago

To clarify, the key in config.json should be:


The key in coc/client/ should be:


The key in coc/server/ should be:


Looking at your error ouput from before, it looks like it is having trouble decrypting 10101, so it is an issue between the client and proxy, so the issue is either in config.json or coc/server/

One other thing to check, make sure you are using a properly patched version of the game. You can verify by pulling your file from your device with adb:

adb pull /data/data/com.supercell.clashofclans/lib/
dd skip=[offset] bs=1 count=32 | xxd -p -c 32

Just replace [offset] with the appropriate one from here.

The path to may vary by device and Android version. You can find adb in the platform-tools package of the Android SDK, and xxd is provided by Git for Windows.

Edit: The output of the above commands should result in the key from config.json.

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

issue fixed by not change key in config.json and now i can see messages in proxy only issue left now is i cant load my village on my account

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

can we change an value with proxy and send to server ?

clugh commented 8 years ago

can we change an value with proxy and send to server ?

Sure, it can be done, but I won't be doing the work to implement it. The basic steps would be to have decodePacket() return a value here, update the object with your ID and token, encode it using CoCMessageEncoder, then replace the payload.

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

:) cool but i see there still some msgid not decoded yet and what about login an load my village this make me crazy please help

thank you

clugh commented 8 years ago

I just pushed several definition updates. If you're experiencing any others, I'd be happy to review a patch.

Short of restoring your village with Google Play or changing the ID and token right in the proxy as we previously discussed, I can only think of two options:

  1. Restore the stock APK, recover your village, make a backup with Titanium Backup, reinstall the patched APK, and restore the data only from your backup.

    1b. This could also be done with adb and Android Backup Extractor, instead of Titanium Backup, if you don't have root.

  2. Decrypt, edit your ID and token in, and reencrypt storage.xml using cocdp.

I won't be providing support for either method.

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

thank you very much for your help i update definitions . before i do test on my account i will do on current one . and this is first time i am working on python still learning how its working . only think i want is how to change an value example gold and send to server can you help me with that .

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

i printed payload in coc/server/ but i got encoded one like this INFO:root:b'\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x07\x00\x00\x00\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xd4\x00\x00\x00(6141a89793631ae2fa5ace486ad1c439a517aaab\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x02'

my code

    def packetDecrypted(self, messageid, unknown, payload):

        if not self.client:
            reactor.callLater(0.25, self.packetDecrypted, messageid, unknown, payload)
        self.decodePacket(messageid, unknown, payload)"send packet to server") payload) 
        self.client.sendPacket(messageid, unknown, payload)
clugh commented 8 years ago

only think i want is how to change an value example gold and send to server can you help me with that

I would suggest creating a thread or contacting Cerise on the Ultrapowa forums. He has already done the same thing and might be willing to help you.

i printed payload in coc/server/ but i got encoded one like this

The decodePacket() function decodes the data. As I said above, you need to return it, update the object with your ID and token, (re)encode it using CoCMessageEncoder, then replace the payload

Edit: I reread your comment, and you don't actually send any gold values to the server. You only send commands to the server that either collect or spend gold, and the server verifies if gold is available to be collected or spent.

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

can you write me line to use CoCMessageEncoder to encode payload .sorry i am nooob with python . i tried butt didn't work

Edit : I Dont know what i am doing i thought i am sending to server . do am i ?

clugh commented 8 years ago

What have you tried? I suggest taking a look at decodePacket() to see how the decoder works, as the encoder works the exact same way.

mrqaidi commented 8 years ago

i used decodePacket method but payload and my enocded payload not same and its get stuck when app restarted after some time game says login failed

    def packetDecrypted(self, messageid, unknown, payload):

        if not self.client:
            reactor.callLater(0.25, self.packetDecrypted, messageid, unknown, payload)

        decoded = self.decodePacket(messageid, unknown, payload)"send packet to server")            
        if "OwnHomeData" in decoded["name"]: 
  "send packet to server")
        data = decoded    
        encode = self.encoder.encode(messageid, unknown, decoded)  "1 encode packet")"2 encode packet")          
        self.client.sendPacket(messageid, unknown, payload)
clugh commented 8 years ago

We've gotta keep the discussion in one place, rather than jumping back and forth between here and Ultrapowa. As this is unrelated to the development of the proxy, I'd suggest you post a thread in the forums over there.

To reiterate what I said over there:

I'd suggest only replacing the payload in the cases where you actually modify the data, that way your connection doesn't die if there's an issue encoding or decoding some random packet.

[...] your primary issue is with the return value of CoCMessageEncoder.encode(). It returns a complete packet, not just the payload. So you'll need to either look at CoCMessageReader or slice the header off the beginning.