clulab / eidos

Machine reading system for World Modelers
Apache License 2.0
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I need to know what a negative event looks like #1080

Closed kwalcock closed 2 years ago

kwalcock commented 2 years ago

Here are a couple representations of the sentence "Water trucking does not cause increased dependency on foreign aid." This is pretty much the output of org.clulab.wm.eidos.examples.ExtractFromText, so anyone can do it.

 List(Concept, Entity) => increased dependency on foreign aid 
     Rule => simple-np++Increase_ported_syntax_6_verb++PositiveChange_ported_syntax_2_noun 
     Type => TextBoundMention 
     Concept, Entity => increased dependency on foreign aid 
      * Attachments: Increase(increased,None), PosChange(aid,None) 

List(Causal, DirectedRelation, EntityLinker, Event) => Water trucking does not cause increased dependency on foreign aid 
     Rule => ported_syntax_1_verb-Causal 
     Type => EventMention 
     trigger => cause 
    effect (Concept, Entity) => increased dependency on foreign aid 
      * Attachments: Increase(increased,None), PosChange(aid,None) 
    cause (Concept, Entity) => Water trucking 

     Event Attachments: Negation(not,None) 

List(Concept, Entity) => Water trucking 
     Rule => simple-np 
     Type => TextBoundMention 
     Concept, Entity => Water trucking 
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kwalcock commented 2 years ago

@zupon, was this question related to your work? If so, here's your answer.

MihaiSurdeanu commented 2 years ago

Nice. NEGATION is already attached to the causal relation.