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OpenMPI jobs #12

Closed joeiznogood closed 3 years ago

joeiznogood commented 5 years ago


I am right now testing cluster-in-the-cloud to set up an Oracle Cloud based cluster. My problem is that I cannot get MPI jobs to work right now across multiple nodes.

In my broad search of the internet, I stumbled upon the documentation for the scalable version of CitC:

Here it states on : "Because OpenMPI uses random port numbers for all its communication, a new policy was added to the virtual cloud network that allows all nodes on that subnetwork to communicate with each other through any port. Moreover, the firewall configuration for the nodes was edited to open up all ports.cCommands added to initialization script..."

Could you please help me with some details on how to add a new policy to the VNC, as well as where to edit the firewall initialisation script?

Thank you!

milliams commented 3 years ago

We have set all internal ports on the cluster network to be open for a while now and so this can be closed.