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Missing Grafana dashboard #20

Open willprice opened 3 years ago

willprice commented 3 years ago

Out of the box as of today the CitC installer does not provision grafana with a dashboard.

christopheredsall commented 3 years ago

During building I get

Thursday 10 December 2020  13:33:39 +0000 (0:00:00.563)       0:16:07.948 ***** 
fatal: [mgmt.helpful-ladybird.citc.local]: FAILED! => changed=false 
  cache_control: no-cache
  connection: close
  content: '{"message":"Invalid username or password"}'
  content_length: '42'
  content_type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  date: Thu, 10 Dec 2020 13:33:39 GMT
  elapsed: 0
  expires: '-1'
    message: Invalid username or password
  msg: 'Status code was 401 and not [200]: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized'
  pragma: no-cache
  redirected: false
  status: 401
  url: http://localhost:3000/api/admin/settings
  x_content_type_options: nosniff
  x_frame_options: deny
  x_xss_protection: 1; mode=block
christopheredsall commented 3 years ago

Per @milliams the error above is expected and not the cause of the problem.

milliams commented 3 years ago

It turns out the dashboard is installed correctly. It just needs to be found in a different way. Go to Dashboards → Manage Dashboards and it's there. The docs need to be updated.

willprice commented 3 years ago

It might be possible get this to show up on the homepage by default by adding a tag to the dashboard: