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Change AWS default Region and customization #8

Closed trnh closed 3 years ago

trnh commented 3 years ago

I can see the default region as eu-west-1 , centos8 , t3a.medium for mgmt node.

Where I can change some of those default settings ?

Thank you

milliams commented 3 years ago

After copying aws/terraform.tfvars.example to terraform.tfvars you can set the variables there. For example, that file might look like:

private_key_path = "~/.ssh/aws-key"
public_key_path = "~/.ssh/"
region = "us-west-2"
management_shape = "t3a.large"

You can see the names of the variables to set in aws/

trnh commented 3 years ago

Awesome , i got it now. Will update the document too.

trnh commented 3 years ago

can we control the CITS to launch on a specific VPC and subnet ? also only Centos8 support at the moment ?

milliams commented 3 years ago

CitC creates its own VPC and subnet in order to be able to control security rules, DNS etc. We haven't got a plan to change this for now.

Indeed only CentOS 8 is supported for compute nodes as we have to configure each of them separately. If you need a different OS for a compute job, you can use something like Singularity to run a container.