clusterinthecloud / terraform

Terraform config for Cluster in the Cloud
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Incomplete setup #40

Closed tethig closed 4 years ago

tethig commented 4 years ago

Hi, I hope I'm not missing anything, but I can't seem to complete setup for new clusters. To make a reproducible example I've used Terraform v0.11.15-oci to initiate a cluster on the Oracle cloud. Unfortunately the finish script reports that mgmt has not completed setup (even after ~24 hours). Reading ansible-pull.log from my latest iteration it reports an error as follows:

Starting Ansible Pull at 2019-08-27 20:44:24
/usr/bin/ansible-pull --url= --checkout=3 --invent
ory=/root/hosts management.yml
 [WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: mgmt
 [WARNING]: Your git version is too old to fully support the depth argument.
Falling back to full checkouts. | CHANGED => {
    "after": "4aa832749d3e79961587713b4a1950baead67127",
    "before": null,
    "changed": true
 [WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: mgmt

I can't quite relate this to other issues and I cannot quite see the error in my terraform.tfvars file which ends:

ManagementShape = "VM.Standard2.1"
ManagementAD = "2"
FilesystemAD = "2"

Any advice would be very much appreciated and I'll be happy to supply any more information. many thanks

milliams commented 4 years ago

This is indeed a problem. It seems that the RPM provided by RedHat has changed and the path to Python has also changed from /bin/python63 to just /bin/python3. I've got a fix which should be merged soon. I'll update this issue once it's resolved.