clusterinthecloud / terraform

Terraform config for Cluster in the Cloud
MIT License
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Issues with configuration step #7

Closed afernandezody closed 5 years ago

afernandezody commented 5 years ago

Hi Matt, Thank you for developing and posting this project. I was able to create a very small cluster of 1 mgt + 1 compute node (chapter 1) but couldn't complete the configuration (chapter 2). I figured out that the issue was trying to use shapes for AMD arch (e.g. VM.Standard.E2.2).
Thank you. AF

afernandezody commented 5 years ago

Hello, The previous error is fixable by adding to the shapes.yaml file. However, the configuration failed for the management VM (it was successful for the compute VM) while installing slurm. I got the following error messages: TASK [slurm : install Python 3.6] ** fatal: [mgmt]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "No package matching 'rh-python36' found available, installed or updated", "rc": 126, "results": ["No package matching 'rh-python36' found available, installed or updated"]} RUNNING HANDLER [slurm : restart firewalld] **** changed: [mgmt] to retry, use: --limit @/root/.ansible/pull/ ................................................................................ PLAY RECAP ***** mgmt : ok=72 changed=64 unreachable=0 failed=1

The failure seems to originate while running the slurm-ansible-playbook but I'm not sure what is causing it or how to fix it. I have reproduced the error with both Intel and AMD architectures. Thanks, AF