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Issue tracker for Better Highlights Intellij IDEA plugin
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Support for lua planned? #103

Closed smartscripts-nl closed 3 months ago

smartscripts-nl commented 3 months ago

Will Better Highlights also support lua in the future? That would be a game changer for me!

clutcher commented 3 months ago

@smartscripts-nl Lua is already supported. Which plugin are you using for lua? And what functionality is not working?

smartscripts-nl commented 3 months ago

Hallo Igor,

I am developing my own modified version of KOReader. That's what I would like to use Better Highlights for even more.

I can link to comments (and that is in itself already great!), but I would like to also link to methods. But that does not seem to be possible? For example, these links don´t work:

  1. with correct path: -- [[../frontend/ui/widget/histogramviewer.lua#init]]
  2. -- [[HistogramViewer#init]]

Or am I mistaken and is this functionality that will only be available upon subscription?



clutcher commented 3 months ago

@smartscripts-nl Source code reference is not supported for Lua right now. But I can add it. Would be [[histogramviewer.lua#init]].

What plugin for Lua you.are using? EmmyLua?

smartscripts-nl commented 3 months ago

Yes, indeed: I am using EmmyLua. And source code references, such as you describe it here, would be great!

clutcher commented 3 months ago

@smartscripts-nl Released in latest version. You can reference also via class names. Also added calculation of cognitive complexity metric.