clutcher / bh

Issue tracker for Better Highlights Intellij IDEA plugin
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Add the option to continue highlighting indented lines #21

Open ditsuke opened 3 years ago

ditsuke commented 3 years ago

Currently if we want a multi-line highlighted comment as part of the same annotation, we'll need to add the prefix to each of these lines to keep the text highlighted:


One solution is to offer the option to treat an immediate indented line as part of the same highlight/ annotation. Jetbrain's built in TODO functionality offers this option, so I think Comments Highlighter can also benefit from having this for consistency with existing behavior and better user experience.

clutcher commented 3 years ago

@ditsuke Implementing that feature will significantly degraded performance of highlighting and over-complicate current code base. As for now I will put wontfix label and we will wait some time to grab statistics on how much users need that.

P.S. Personally I just put token on each line.


JesusTheHun commented 2 weeks ago

Why not add the token automatically to the next line when I press [Enter] ?

clutcher commented 1 week ago

@JesusTheHun I just never thought about that)) Created a new issue for that request - #138