clvrai / leaps

Code for Learning to Synthesize Programs as Interpretable and Generalizable Policies in NeurIPS 2021
MIT License
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The results reported in paper. #1

Closed ReedZyd closed 1 year ago

ReedZyd commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your good paper!

However, I am fusing about, how do I obtain the results reported in your paper?

I run the CEM search and compare the best result with the result in Table 3. But it seems to be not matched, and even differs a lot.

jesbu1 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, @dweeptrivedi, the maintainer of the LEAPS method codebase is currently unavailable but I've asked him to take a look when he can.

In the meantime, I will be rerunning the existing code to see if I also have the same issue.

ReedZyd commented 2 years ago

I trained the model by myself and encountered the same issue. I thought maybe I evaluate it in the wrong way. But I have no idea how I do it properly.

jesbu1 commented 2 years ago

Got it, i will get back to you within a few days (i'm currently rerunning everything from scratch following only the instructions in the README) when I have finished attempting to revalidate all results.

jesbu1 commented 2 years ago

Can you please go to leaps/pretrain/output_dir, find the folder corresponding to the LEAPS model you trained to completion at stage 1, and then copy the best_valid_params.ptp to leaps/weights/LEAPS/best_valid_params.ptp?

Then, put the two and files I have attached here into the `leaps/pretrain' directory, and run the below commands to replicate maze/stairclimber?

I was able to get a reward of 1.1 with these commands (corresponding to 1.0 in the paper).

python3 pretrain/ --configfile pretrain/ --datadir results/maze --num_lstm_cell_units 256 --algorithm CEM --net.saved_params_path weights/LEAPS/best_valid_params.ptp --save_interval 10 --max_program_len 45 --dsl.max_program_len 45

python3 pretrain/ --configfile pretrain/ --datadir results/stairClimber --num_lstm_cell_units 256 --algorithm CEM --net.saved_params_path weights/LEAPS/best_valid_params.ptp --save_interval 10 --max_program_len 45 --dsl.max_program_len 45

This whole process is currently confusing and not covered by the README, so we'll be making large changes to the repo to make it much easier to use.

Here are the two files:

config = {
    'device': 'cuda:0',                             # device to run on
    'save_interval': 1000,                          # Save weights at every ith interval (None, int)
    'log_interval': 10,                             # Logging interval for debugging (None, int)
    'record_file': 'records.pkl',                   # File to save global records dictionary
    'algorithm': 'supervised',                      # current training algorithm: 'supervised', 'RL', 'supervisedRL', 'debug', 'output_dataset_split'
    'mode': 'train',                                # 'train', 'eval'

    'do_supervised': True,                          # do supervised training in supervisedRL algorithm if set True
    'do_RL': True,                                  # do RL training in supervisedRL algorithm if set True

    # config for logging
    'logging': {
        'log_file': 'run.log',                      # log file name
        'fmt': '%(asctime)s: %(message)s',          # logging format
        'level': 'DEBUG',                           # logger level
        'wandb': False,                             # enable wandb logging

    # config to load and save networks
    'net': {
        'saved_params_path': None,                  # path to load saved weights in a loaded network
        'saved_sup_params_path': None,              # path to load saved weights from supervised training
        'rnn_type': 'GRU',                          # recurrent unit type
        'decoder': {
            'use_teacher_enforcing': True,          # teacher enforcing while SL training
            'freeze_params': False                  # freeze decoder params if set True
            'freeze_params': False,
            'use_teacher_enforcing': True,
            'observations': 'environment',          # condition policy input from ['environment', 'dataset', 'initial_state']
            'add_noise': False,                     # add nosie to meta-controller weights like StyleGAN
            'input_coef': 0.01,                     # if using constant vector as input to controller, use this as multiplier
            'use_decoder_dist': True,               # if True, RL on decoder distribution, otherwise RL on meta-controller distribution
            'use_previous_programs': False,         # if True, use previous program as input to meta-controller
            'program_reduction': 'identity',        # 'identity': no-reduction, 'mean': mean of all previous program as input to meta-controller
        'tanh_after_mu_sigma': False,               # apply tanh after distribution (mean and std of VAE) layers
        'tanh_after_sample': False,                 # apply tanh after sampling from VAE distribution

    # config for data loader
    'data_loader': {
        'num_workers': 0,                           # Number of parallel CPU workers
        'pin_memory': False,                        # Copy tensors into CUDA pinned memory before returning them
#        'collate_fn': lambda x: x,                 # collate_fn to get minibatch as list instead of tensor
        'drop_last': True,

    # Random seed for numpy, torch and cuda (None, int)
    'seed': 123,

    'optimizer': {
        'name': 'adam',
        'params': {
            'lr': 5e-4,
        'scheduler': {
            'step_size': 10,                        # Period of learning rate decay
            'gamma': .95,                           # Multiplicative factor of learning rate decay

    # config to control training
    'train': {
        'data': {                                   # Dictionary to control dataset characteristics
            'to_tensor': True,
            'use_pickled': True
        'batch_size': 256,
        'shuffle': True,
        'max_epoch': 150,
    # config to control validation
    'valid': {
        'data': {                                   # Dictionary to control dataset characteristics
            'to_tensor': True,
            'use_pickled': True
        'batch_size': 256,
        'shuffle': True,
        'debug_samples': [3, 37, 54],               # sample ids to generate plots for (None, int, list)
    # config to control testing
    'test': {
        'data': {                                   # Dictionary to control dataset characteristics
            'to_tensor': True,
            'use_pickled': True
        'batch_size': 256,
        'shuffle': True,
    # config to control evaluation
    'eval': {
        'usage': 'test',                            # what dataset to use {train, valid, test}
    'loss': {
        'latent_loss_coef': 1.0,                    # coefficient of latent loss (beta) in VAE during SL training
        'condition_loss_coef': 1.0,                 # coefficient of condition policy loss during SL training
    'dsl': {
        'use_simplified_dsl': False,                # reducing valid tokens from 50 to 31
        'max_program_len': 45,                      # maximum program length
        'grammar': 'handwritten',                   # grammar type: [None, 'handwritten']
        'num_processes': 64,                        # how many training CPU processes to use (default: 32)
        'num_steps': 8,                             # 'number of forward steps (default: 32)'
        'num_env_steps': 10e6,                      # 'number of environment steps to train (default: 10e6)'
        'gamma': 0.99,                              # discount factor for rewards (default: 0.99)
        'use_gae': True,                            # 'use generalized advantage estimation'
        'gae_lambda': 0.95,                         # 'gae lambda parameter (default: 0.95)'
        'use_proper_time_limits': False,            # 'compute returns taking into account time limits'
        'use_all_programs': False,                  # 'False sets all mask value to 1 (ignores done_ variable value in'
        'future_rewards': False,                    # True: Maximizing expected future reward, False: Maximizing current reward
        'value_method': 'mean',                     # mean: mean of token values, program_embedding: value of eop token
        'envs': {
            'executable': {
                'name': 'karel',
                'task_definition': 'custom_reward',       # choices=['program', 'custom_reward']
                'task_file': 'tasks/test1.txt',  # choose from these tokens to write a space separated VALID program
                # for ground_truth task: ['DEF', 'run', 'm(', 'm)', 'move', 'turnRight',
                # 'turnLeft', 'pickMarker', 'putMarker', 'r(', 'r)', 'R=0', 'R=1', 'R=2',
                # 'R=3', 'R=4', 'R=5', 'R=6', 'R=7', 'R=8', 'R=9', 'R=10', 'R=11', 'R=12',
                # 'R=13', 'R=14', 'R=15', 'R=16', 'R=17', 'R=18', 'R=19', 'REPEAT', 'c(',
                # 'c)', 'i(', 'i)', 'e(', 'e)', 'IF', 'IFELSE', 'ELSE', 'frontIsClear',
                # 'leftIsClear', 'rightIsClear', 'markersPresent', 'noMarkersPresent',
                # 'not', 'w(', 'w)', 'WHILE']
                'max_demo_length': 100,             # maximum demonstration length
                'min_demo_length': 1,               # minimum demonstration length
                'num_demo_per_program': 10,         # 'number of seen demonstrations'
                'dense_execution_reward': False,    # encode reward along with state and action if task defined by custom reward
            'program': {
                'mdp_type': 'ProgramEnv1',          # choices=['ProgramEnv1']
                'intrinsic_reward': False,          # NGU paper based intrinsic reward
                'intrinsic_beta': 0.0,              # reward = env_reward + intrinsic_beta * intrinsic_reward
          'execution_guided': False,                # 'enable execution guided program synthesis'
          'two_head': False,                        # 'predict end-of-program token separate than program tokens'
          'recurrent_policy': True,                 # 'use a recurrent policy'
            'name': 'reinforce',
            'value_loss_coef':0.5,                  # 'value loss coefficient (default: 0.5)'
            'entropy_coef':0.1,                     # 'entropy term coefficient (default: 0.01)'
            'final_entropy_coef': 0.01,             # 'final entropy term coefficient (default: None)'
            'use_exp_ent_decay': False,             # 'use a exponential decay schedule on the entropy coef'
            'use_recurrent_generator': False,       # 'use episodic memory replay'
            'max_grad_norm': 0.5,                   # 'max norm of gradients (default: 0.5)'
            'lr': 5e-4,                             # 'learning rate (default: 5e-4)'
            'use_linear_lr_decay': True,            # 'use a linear schedule on the learning rate'
                'clip_param':0.1,                   # 'ppo clip parameter (default: 0.1)'
                'ppo_epoch':2,                      # 'number of ppo epochs (default: 4)'
                'num_mini_batch':2,                 # 'number of batches for ppo (default: 4)'
                'eps': 1e-5,                        # 'RMSprop optimizer epsilon (default: 1e-5)'
                'eps': 1e-5,                        # 'RMSprop optimizer epsilon (default: 1e-5)'
                'alpha': 0.99,                      # 'RMSprop optimizer apha (default: 0.99)'
            'reinforce': {
                'clip_param': 0.1,                  # 'ppo clip parameter (default: 0.1)'
                'reinforce_epoch': 1,               # 'number of ppo epochs (default: 4)'
                'num_mini_batch': 2,                # 'number of batches for ppo (default: 4)'
                'eps': 1e-5,                        # 'RMSprop optimizer epsilon (default: 1e-5)'
                'decoder_rl_loss_coef': 1.0,            # coefficient of policy loss during RL training
                'condition_rl_loss_coef': 0.0,          # coefficient of condition network loss during RL training
                'latent_rl_loss_coef': 0.0,             # coefficient of latent loss (beta) in VAE during RL training
                'use_mean_only_for_latent_loss': False, # applying latent loss only to mean while searching over latent space
        'init_type': 'ones',
        'reduction': 'weighted_mean',
        'population_size': 16,
        'elitism_rate': 0.1,
        'max_number_of_epochs': 1000,
        'sigma': 0.1,
        'final_sigma': 0.1,
        'use_exp_sig_decay': False,
        'exponential_reward': False,
        'average_score_for_solving': 1.1,
        'detailed_dump': False,

    # FIXME: This is only for backwards compatibility to old parser, should be removed soon
    'policy': 'TokenOutputPolicy',                  # output one token at a time (Ignore for intention space)
    'env_name': 'karel',
    'gamma': 0.99,                                  # discount factor for rewards (default: 0.99)
    'recurrent_policy': True,                       # If True, use RNN in policy network
    'num_lstm_cell_units': 256,                      # RNN latent space size
    'two_head': False,                              # do we want two headed policy? Not for LEAPS
    'mdp_type': 'ProgramEnv1',                      # ProgramEnv1: only allows syntactically valid program execution
    'env_task': 'randomMaze_sparse',                          # ['program', 'stairClimber', 'placeSetter', 'topOff', 'chainSmoker', 'shelfStocker', 'maze']
    'reward_diff': True,                            # If True, differnce between rewards of two consecutive states will be considered at each env step, otherwise current environment reward will be considered
    'prefix': 'default',                            # output directory prefix
    'max_program_len': 45,                          # maximum program length  (repeated)
    'mapping_file': None,                           # mapping_karel2prl.txt if using simplified DSL (Ignore of intention space)
    'debug': False,                                 # use this to debug RL code (provides a lot of debug data in form of dict)
    'height': 8,                                    # height of karel environment
    'width': 8,                                     # width of karel environment
    #'wall_prob': 0.1,                               # p(wall/one cell in karel gird)
    'wall_prob': 0.25,                               # p(wall/one cell in karel gird)
    'num_demo_per_program': 10,                     # 'number of seen demonstrations' (repeated)
    'max_demo_length': 100,                         # maximum demonstration length (repeated)
    'min_demo_length': 1,                           # minimum demonstration length (repeated)
    'action_type': 'program',                       # Ignore for intention space
    'obv_type': 'program',                          # Ignore for intention space
    'reward_type': 'sparse',       # sparse, extra_sparse, dense_subsequence_match, dense_frame_set_match, dense_last_state_match
    'reward_validity': False,                       # reward for syntactically valid programs (Ignore for intention space)
    'max_episode_steps': 100,                       # maximum steps in one episode before environment reset
    'AE': False,                                    # using plain AutoEncoder instead of VAE
    'experiment': 'intention_space',                # intention_space or EGPS
    'grammar':'handwritten',                        # grammar type: [None, 'handwritten']
    'use_trainable_tensor': False,                  # If True, use trainable tensor instead of meta-controller
    'cover_all_branches_in_demos': True,            # If True, make sure to cover all branches in randomly generated program in ExecEnv1
    'final_reward_scale': False

config = {
    'device': 'cuda:0',                             # device to run on
    'save_interval': 1000,                          # Save weights at every ith interval (None, int)
    'log_interval': 10,                             # Logging interval for debugging (None, int)
    'record_file': 'records.pkl',                   # File to save global records dictionary
    'algorithm': 'supervised',                      # current training algorithm: 'supervised', 'RL', 'supervisedRL', 'debug', 'output_dataset_split'
    'mode': 'train',                                # 'train', 'eval'

    'do_supervised': True,                          # do supervised training in supervisedRL algorithm if set True
    'do_RL': True,                                  # do RL training in supervisedRL algorithm if set True

    # config for logging
    'logging': {
        'log_file': 'run.log',                      # log file name
        'fmt': '%(asctime)s: %(message)s',          # logging format
        'level': 'DEBUG',                           # logger level
        'wandb': False,                             # enable wandb logging

    # config to load and save networks
    'net': {
        'saved_params_path': None,                  # path to load saved weights in a loaded network
        'saved_sup_params_path': None,              # path to load saved weights from supervised training
        'rnn_type': 'GRU',                          # recurrent unit type
        'decoder': {
            'use_teacher_enforcing': True,          # teacher enforcing while SL training
            'freeze_params': False                  # freeze decoder params if set True
            'freeze_params': False,
            'use_teacher_enforcing': True,
            'observations': 'environment',          # condition policy input from ['environment', 'dataset', 'initial_state']
            'add_noise': False,                     # add nosie to meta-controller weights like StyleGAN
            'input_coef': 0.01,                     # if using constant vector as input to controller, use this as multiplier
            'use_decoder_dist': True,               # if True, RL on decoder distribution, otherwise RL on meta-controller distribution
            'use_previous_programs': False,         # if True, use previous program as input to meta-controller
            'program_reduction': 'identity',        # 'identity': no-reduction, 'mean': mean of all previous program as input to meta-controller
        'tanh_after_mu_sigma': False,               # apply tanh after distribution (mean and std of VAE) layers
        'tanh_after_sample': False,                 # apply tanh after sampling from VAE distribution

    # config for data loader
    'data_loader': {
        'num_workers': 0,                           # Number of parallel CPU workers
        'pin_memory': False,                        # Copy tensors into CUDA pinned memory before returning them
#        'collate_fn': lambda x: x,                 # collate_fn to get minibatch as list instead of tensor
        'drop_last': True,

    # Random seed for numpy, torch and cuda (None, int)
    'seed': 123,

    'optimizer': {
        'name': 'adam',
        'params': {
            'lr': 5e-4,
        'scheduler': {
            'step_size': 10,                        # Period of learning rate decay
            'gamma': .95,                           # Multiplicative factor of learning rate decay

    # config to control training
    'train': {
        'data': {                                   # Dictionary to control dataset characteristics
            'to_tensor': True,
            'use_pickled': True
        'batch_size': 256,
        'shuffle': True,
        'max_epoch': 150,
    # config to control validation
    'valid': {
        'data': {                                   # Dictionary to control dataset characteristics
            'to_tensor': True,
            'use_pickled': True
        'batch_size': 256,
        'shuffle': True,
        'debug_samples': [3, 37, 54],               # sample ids to generate plots for (None, int, list)
    # config to control testing
    'test': {
        'data': {                                   # Dictionary to control dataset characteristics
            'to_tensor': True,
            'use_pickled': True
        'batch_size': 256,
        'shuffle': True,
    # config to control evaluation
    'eval': {
        'usage': 'test',                            # what dataset to use {train, valid, test}
    'loss': {
        'latent_loss_coef': 1.0,                    # coefficient of latent loss (beta) in VAE during SL training
        'condition_loss_coef': 1.0,                 # coefficient of condition policy loss during SL training
    'dsl': {
        'use_simplified_dsl': False,                # reducing valid tokens from 50 to 31
        'max_program_len': 45,                      # maximum program length
        'grammar': 'handwritten',                   # grammar type: [None, 'handwritten']
        'num_processes': 64,                        # how many training CPU processes to use (default: 32)
        'num_steps': 8,                             # 'number of forward steps (default: 32)'
        'num_env_steps': 10e6,                      # 'number of environment steps to train (default: 10e6)'
        'gamma': 0.99,                              # discount factor for rewards (default: 0.99)
        'use_gae': True,                            # 'use generalized advantage estimation'
        'gae_lambda': 0.95,                         # 'gae lambda parameter (default: 0.95)'
        'use_proper_time_limits': False,            # 'compute returns taking into account time limits'
        'use_all_programs': False,                  # 'False sets all mask value to 1 (ignores done_ variable value in'
        'future_rewards': False,                    # True: Maximizing expected future reward, False: Maximizing current reward
        'value_method': 'mean',                     # mean: mean of token values, program_embedding: value of eop token
        'envs': {
            'executable': {
                'name': 'karel',
                'task_definition': 'custom_reward',       # choices=['program', 'custom_reward']
                'task_file': 'tasks/test1.txt',  # choose from these tokens to write a space separated VALID program
                # for ground_truth task: ['DEF', 'run', 'm(', 'm)', 'move', 'turnRight',
                # 'turnLeft', 'pickMarker', 'putMarker', 'r(', 'r)', 'R=0', 'R=1', 'R=2',
                # 'R=3', 'R=4', 'R=5', 'R=6', 'R=7', 'R=8', 'R=9', 'R=10', 'R=11', 'R=12',
                # 'R=13', 'R=14', 'R=15', 'R=16', 'R=17', 'R=18', 'R=19', 'REPEAT', 'c(',
                # 'c)', 'i(', 'i)', 'e(', 'e)', 'IF', 'IFELSE', 'ELSE', 'frontIsClear',
                # 'leftIsClear', 'rightIsClear', 'markersPresent', 'noMarkersPresent',
                # 'not', 'w(', 'w)', 'WHILE']
                'max_demo_length': 100,             # maximum demonstration length
                'min_demo_length': 1,               # minimum demonstration length
                'num_demo_per_program': 10,         # 'number of seen demonstrations'
                'dense_execution_reward': False,    # encode reward along with state and action if task defined by custom reward
            'program': {
                'mdp_type': 'ProgramEnv1',          # choices=['ProgramEnv1']
                'intrinsic_reward': False,          # NGU paper based intrinsic reward
                'intrinsic_beta': 0.0,              # reward = env_reward + intrinsic_beta * intrinsic_reward
          'execution_guided': False,                # 'enable execution guided program synthesis'
          'two_head': False,                        # 'predict end-of-program token separate than program tokens'
          'recurrent_policy': True,                 # 'use a recurrent policy'
            'name': 'reinforce',
            'value_loss_coef':0.5,                  # 'value loss coefficient (default: 0.5)'
            'entropy_coef':0.1,                     # 'entropy term coefficient (default: 0.01)'
            'final_entropy_coef': 0.01,             # 'final entropy term coefficient (default: None)'
            'use_exp_ent_decay': False,             # 'use a exponential decay schedule on the entropy coef'
            'use_recurrent_generator': False,       # 'use episodic memory replay'
            'max_grad_norm': 0.5,                   # 'max norm of gradients (default: 0.5)'
            'lr': 5e-4,                             # 'learning rate (default: 5e-4)'
            'use_linear_lr_decay': True,            # 'use a linear schedule on the learning rate'
                'clip_param':0.1,                   # 'ppo clip parameter (default: 0.1)'
                'ppo_epoch':2,                      # 'number of ppo epochs (default: 4)'
                'num_mini_batch':2,                 # 'number of batches for ppo (default: 4)'
                'eps': 1e-5,                        # 'RMSprop optimizer epsilon (default: 1e-5)'
                'eps': 1e-5,                        # 'RMSprop optimizer epsilon (default: 1e-5)'
                'alpha': 0.99,                      # 'RMSprop optimizer apha (default: 0.99)'
            'reinforce': {
                'clip_param': 0.1,                  # 'ppo clip parameter (default: 0.1)'
                'reinforce_epoch': 1,               # 'number of ppo epochs (default: 4)'
                'num_mini_batch': 2,                # 'number of batches for ppo (default: 4)'
                'eps': 1e-5,                        # 'RMSprop optimizer epsilon (default: 1e-5)'
                'decoder_rl_loss_coef': 1.0,            # coefficient of policy loss during RL training
                'condition_rl_loss_coef': 0.0,          # coefficient of condition network loss during RL training
                'latent_rl_loss_coef': 0.0,             # coefficient of latent loss (beta) in VAE during RL training
                'use_mean_only_for_latent_loss': False, # applying latent loss only to mean while searching over latent space
        'init_type': 'tiny_normal',
        'reduction': 'weighted_mean',
        'population_size': 32,
        'elitism_rate': 0.05,
        'max_number_of_epochs': 1000,
        'sigma': 0.25,
        'final_sigma': 0.1,
        'use_exp_sig_decay': True,
        'exponential_reward': False,
        'average_score_for_solving': 1.1,
        'detailed_dump': False,

    # FIXME: This is only for backwards compatibility to old parser, should be removed soon
    'policy': 'TokenOutputPolicy',                  # output one token at a time (Ignore for intention space)
    'env_name': 'karel',
    'gamma': 0.99,                                  # discount factor for rewards (default: 0.99)
    'recurrent_policy': True,                       # If True, use RNN in policy network
    'num_lstm_cell_units': 64,                      # RNN latent space size
    'two_head': False,                              # do we want two headed policy? Not for LEAPS
    'mdp_type': 'ProgramEnv1',                      # ProgramEnv1: only allows syntactically valid program execution
    'env_task': 'stairClimber_sparse',                          # ['program', 'stairClimber', 'placeSetter', 'topOff', 'chainSmoker', 'shelfStocker', 'maze']
    'reward_diff': True,                            # If True, differnce between rewards of two consecutive states will be considered at each env step, otherwise current environment reward will be considered
    'prefix': 'default',                            # output directory prefix
    'max_program_len': 45,                          # maximum program length  (repeated)
    'mapping_file': None,                           # mapping_karel2prl.txt if using simplified DSL (Ignore of intention space)
    'debug': False,                                 # use this to debug RL code (provides a lot of debug data in form of dict)
    'height': 12,                                    # height of karel environment
    'width': 12,                                     # width of karel environment
    #'wall_prob': 0.1,                               # p(wall/one cell in karel gird)
    'wall_prob': 0.25,                               # p(wall/one cell in karel gird)
    'num_demo_per_program': 10,                     # 'number of seen demonstrations' (repeated)
    'max_demo_length': 100,                         # maximum demonstration length (repeated)
    'min_demo_length': 1,                           # minimum demonstration length (repeated)
    'action_type': 'program',                       # Ignore for intention space
    'obv_type': 'program',                          # Ignore for intention space
    'reward_type': 'sparse',       # sparse, extra_sparse, dense_subsequence_match, dense_frame_set_match, dense_last_state_match
    'reward_validity': False,                       # reward for syntactically valid programs (Ignore for intention space)
    'max_episode_steps': 100,                       # maximum steps in one episode before environment reset
    'AE': False,                                    # using plain AutoEncoder instead of VAE
    'experiment': 'intention_space',                # intention_space or EGPS
    'grammar':'handwritten',                        # grammar type: [None, 'handwritten']
    'use_trainable_tensor': False,                  # If True, use trainable tensor instead of meta-controller
    'cover_all_branches_in_demos': True,            # If True, make sure to cover all branches in randomly generated program in ExecEnv1
    'final_reward_scale': False
jesbu1 commented 2 years ago

and please lmk if you're able to get reward 1 with these cfg files, your trained stage 1 model, and the above commands.

I copy pasted the exact hyperparams listed in the paper appendix into these cfg files.

jesbu1 commented 2 years ago

Oh hm I was getting the 1.0 reward with a model i trained using the command in the readme here: python3 pretrain/ -c pretrain/ -d data/karel_dataset/ --verbose --train.batch_size 256 --num_lstm_cell_units 256 --loss.latent_loss_coef 0.1 --rl.loss.latent_rl_loss_coef 0.1 --device cuda:0 --algorithm supervisedRL 1e-3 --prefix LEAPS

Can you double check to make sure your pip environment is identical to that of the requirements.txt? And that the original stage 1 model was trained to completion?

Either way, I think you can use the given params for now, I will be updating the repo over the next week with new cfg files and a modified README.

jesbu1 commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delay, I have just pushed an update that should resolve these issues. All LEAPS cfg files with correct hyperparams are included in the pretrain directory and I've updated the README to clarify this with a new, simpler command.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention!