clwainwright / CosmoTransitions

A package for analyzing finite or zero-temperature cosmological phase transitions driven by single or multiple scalar fields.
MIT License
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getPhases() -- TraceMultiMin Error #14

Closed federos closed 5 years ago

federos commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have started to use CosmoTransitions for studying 3 field scalar model for phase transition. The two-field model, supplied as an example ( with the package, works good, but just by following the steps as mentioned in the documentation (arxiv:1109.4189), I get an error for the command "m.findAllTransitions()" for the 3 field case with an v^2 s_3 ^2 term. [m=testModel1.model()]

I have defined Ndim = 3 and phi3 as = X[...,2] along with other changes in an edited version of (attached below as .txt file testModel1.txt ). Then it shows to be "IndexError: index 2 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 2 ". Tracing back to m.getPhases(), it seems to be the error in the step TraceMultiMin inside the TransitionFinder file.

Can you please help me get out of this error ? Thanks in advance. Error-cosmoT