clwainwright / CosmoTransitions

A package for analyzing finite or zero-temperature cosmological phase transitions driven by single or multiple scalar fields.
MIT License
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Cannot resolve bubble profile, keep getting "Integration Error: r > rmax" #27

Open gaurrhea17 opened 3 years ago

gaurrhea17 commented 3 years ago


I am trying to obtain the bubble profile for a 1D scalar potential but keep running into the r > rmax integration error. I used Mathematica to obtain critical temperatures for specific coupling constants in the potential and of course, when I plot the potential in Python with these pre-determined parameters, it plots correctly. When I try to use SingleFieldInstanton.findProfile() from the file however (identical to the way it is done in the toy example in CosmoTransitions), it produces the integration error. The code with the potential and leading to this issue is attached and named CT_BubbleProfile.txt.


I tried obtaining a bubble profile for a temperature of T = 170 by solving the bubble wall equation in Mathematica and obtained the plots in "single_dark_scalar.pdf".


Now I am stuck as to why the error in CT should exist considering the bubble size from Mathematica is ~0.1 and when I print the values of r and rmax during a CT findProfile() run, it prints ~108 and ~40 respectively.

Any help on how to progress past this point would be greatly appreciated, thanks!