clydebarrow / esphome

ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.
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`transform_angle`, `transform_zoom` failure #71

Open nagyrobi opened 4 months ago

nagyrobi commented 4 months ago

Was trying to rotate a label by 180 degrees.

              - label:
                  text: "\U000F1C98"
                  text_font: icons_42
                  transform_angle: 180
                  align: CENTER
                  y: -14

resulted in:

[17:06:18][I][lvgl:000]: [Warn] (2228973.661, +7920)     lv_draw_sw_layer_create: Rendering this widget needs LV_COLOR_SCREEN_TRANSP 1  (in lv_draw_sw_layer.c line #47)
[17:06:18][I][lvgl:000]: [Warn] (2228973.661, +0)        refr_obj: Couldn't create a new layer context  (in lv_refr.c line #912)

According to The value is interpreted in 0.1 degree units. E.g. 450 means 45 deg. If I try 1800 I get value must be at most 360.0. Do we apply a conversion to float here?

transform_zoom has the same issue, translate_x works, btw.