clydebarrow / esphome

ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.
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Graph as image #92

Open nagyrobi opened 3 months ago

nagyrobi commented 3 months ago

Although LVGL has its own chart widget, it could make more sense to use ESPHome's own graph component probably as an img because it already has a built-in data accumumator (eg you just give it a sensor ID and it starts collecting the points by itself over time) whilst chart needs a readily prepared set of datapoints to be displayed.

The nicest would be to just be able to use the id of a graph as the src of an img or animimg (animation would be useful to simply have a slideshow of graphs)

clydebarrow commented 3 months ago

There LVGL chart can be updated at any time, so there is no reason it can't be made to work the same way.

nagyrobi commented 3 months ago

Great news!