clynamen / nuscenes2bag

nuScenes dataset to rosbag format
133 stars 33 forks source link

New features? #5

Open ChernoA opened 4 years ago

ChernoA commented 4 years ago

What new features are people interested in? e.g.

Comment here with what features you want to see, and if there's enough interest then maybe we can add them.

Sorry for using this 'issues' board for discussion ;-)

anshulpaigwar commented 4 years ago

@ChernoA It would be great if bounding boxes can also be visualized/published as ROS markers.

anshulpaigwar commented 4 years ago

@ChernoA are you planning to work on converting bounding boxes annotation information into ROS bag format ??

ChernoA commented 4 years ago

@anshulpaigwar Yes I wrote some code for that. I can upload next week.

ChernoA commented 4 years ago

@anshulpaigwar @clynamen @yusanshi
I uploaded the code to publish the bounding boxes as both Rviz Marker and custom message type.
Choose the appropriate branch here:

New ROS topics:
Topic: /boxes Type: nuscenes2bag/Boxes
Topic: /boxes_viz Type: visualization_msgs/MarkerArray

The lidar ring values was added previously, just enable line 188 here:

Bounding boxes in Rviz:

clynamen commented 4 years ago

That's great @ChernoA I will merge your changes in the master branch and continue some work for cleaning up the code. Thanks for all your contributions! Since you know the project, feel free to tell me whatever you would like to change/improve.

RRK13 commented 4 years ago

I tried to get the Box annotations, from the master branch but did not get the find the new rostopics. I also tried to get the, and catkin_make, but errors, as shown below. Please guide to correct the errors.

[ 97%] Building CXX object nuscenes2bag/CMakeFiles/nuscenes2bag.dir/src/main.cpp.o /home/..../nuscenes_chernoA_ws/src/nuscenes2bag/src/NuScenes2Bag.cpp: In member function ‘void nuscenes2bag::NuScenes2Bag::convertDirectory(const boost::filesystem::path&, const string&, const boost::filesystem::path&, int, int32_t)’: /home/..../nuscenes_chernoA_ws/src/nuscenes2bag/src/NuScenes2Bag.cpp:73:3: error: ‘ThreadPool’ was not declared in this scope ThreadPool<FIFO> pool(threadNumber); ^~~~~~~~~~ /home/...../nuscenes_chernoA_ws/src/nuscenes2bag/src/NuScenes2Bag.cpp:73:3: note: suggested alternative: ‘thread_local’ ThreadPool<FIFO> pool(threadNumber); ^~~~~~~~~~ thread_local /home/....../nuscenes_chernoA_ws/src/nuscenes2bag/src/NuScenes2Bag.cpp:73:14: error: ‘FIFO’ was not declared in this scope ThreadPool<FIFO> pool(threadNumber); ^~~~ /home/...../nuscenes_chernoA_ws/src/nuscenes2bag/src/NuScenes2Bag.cpp:73:14: note: suggested alternative: ‘FILE’ ThreadPool<FIFO> pool(threadNumber); ^~~~ FILE /home/.../nuscenes_chernoA_ws/src/nuscenes2bag/src/NuScenes2Bag.cpp:73:20: error: ‘pool’ was not declared in this scope ThreadPool<FIFO> pool(threadNumber); ^~~~ /home/...../nuscenes_chernoA_ws/src/nuscenes2bag/src/NuScenes2Bag.cpp:73:20: note: suggested alternative: ‘poll’ ThreadPool<FIFO> pool(threadNumber); ^~~~ poll nuscenes2bag/CMakeFiles/nuscenes2bag.dir/build.make:182: recipe for target 'nuscenes2bag/CMakeFiles/nuscenes2bag.dir/src/NuScenes2Bag.cpp.o' failed make[2]: *** [nuscenes2bag/CMakeFiles/nuscenes2bag.dir/src/NuScenes2Bag.cpp.o] Error 1 make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... CMakeFiles/Makefile2:580: recipe for target 'nuscenes2bag/CMakeFiles/nuscenes2bag.dir/all' failed make[1]: *** [nuscenes2bag/CMakeFiles/nuscenes2bag.dir/all] Error 2 Makefile:140: recipe for target 'all' failed make: *** [all] Error 2 Invoking "make -j8 -l8" failed

tooyoungtoonavie commented 4 years ago

Hi , How about add the sensor_intrinsics to bag file? I add some code on fucntion "convertEgoPoseInfos", but the printed instrinsics value is "0". Seems these parameter was not read from json file , right ? so, any advice about how can i get the instrinsics ? Thanks

VanniZhou commented 3 years ago

When will radar points support?@ChernoA

dippatel1994 commented 2 years ago

@ChernoA If you can add radar pointcloud support it will be great. I can see you added .msg for radar and parsed in object in .cpp but its incomplete. It would be great if you can spare some time to finish it. This package is very helpful.