clynamen / nuscenes2bag

nuScenes dataset to rosbag format
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Adding Camera Intrinsic Parameters to the ROS Bag on \tf Topic #9

Open iamsiddhantsahu opened 3 years ago

iamsiddhantsahu commented 3 years ago

@clynamen @ChernoA I played the ROS bag file in loop with robag play -l 61.bag and then rotopic echo /tf. Please find below for camera_front/raw.

Screenshot from 2020-07-31 16-13-55

I wanted to read the camera intrinsic parameters as well in a program, but I unable to find this data in the in the /tf topic. Hence, I was wondering if the camera intrinsic parameters defined in the calibrated_sensor.json in the nuScenes dataset could also be published in the /tf topic?

iamsiddhantsahu commented 3 years ago

@clynamen @ChernoA Can the "token" information also be added in the rosbag file?

jingyibo123 commented 2 years ago

Normally camera intrinsics information is stored in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo message,

see #12

LiuXuan66 commented 1 year ago

@clynamen @ChernoA Can the "token" information also be added in the rosbag file?

Do you solve the problem?