clytras / AccessConverter

A Microsoft Access database conversion tool to convert old and new Access database formats to some other popular SQL based databases and formats
MIT License
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Building within Docker #14

Open jnovack opened 2 weeks ago

jnovack commented 2 weeks ago

How do I properly build (and subsequently execute) within Docker?

I'm running the following as my Dockerfile

FROM maven:3.9.9-eclipse-temurin-17

WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY AccessConverter/pom.xml .
RUN mvn dependency:go-offline

COPY ./AccessConverter .
RUN mvn -o clean install

However, when running the jar, I get the following:

root@65b356985f8f:/usr/src/app# java -jar target/accessconverter-2.0.jar
no main manifest attribute, in target/accessconverter-2.0.jar

If I mount in the AccessDB (or directory) via Docker, what is the proper way to build the image, then execute the container?

(I have zero experience building within Java, thus, I would like to build and execute inside of a container)

clytras commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @jnovack,

I am currently out of office and I can't get my hands onto this one, but if I remember corectly, there is a build step required using something like mvn compile -f pom.xml or just mvn compile when in project directory.

I'll get a closer look when I am back in a couple of weeks.