cmaija / ParkHangs

CPSC 436i Group Project
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Scrum Update #4 #42

Open lydia-zheng opened 4 years ago

lydia-zheng commented 4 years ago

format: what you’ve worked on in the previous two weeks, (2) what you’ll be working on in the next two weeks, and (3) where you might have gotten stuck during the last two weeks.

lydia-zheng commented 4 years ago

Lydia Zheng - v4x0b - Dudes Chilling

1) I've spent significant time making the endpoint created earlier in the week that gets all the events from a specific park ID connect to the dummy data, which is later altered to be a filter of an existing store state of all events due to redundant information. Along with minor fixes to cor policy at the beginning of connecting back end to front end, I've also did basic debugging for the park detail modal to ensure the changes showed what was expected.

2) We'll be looking into code cleanup such as switching to display the events as a table, making custom marker image for more stylized UI, and oAuth along with the other standard requirements we need to be working to implement. I'll be looking into how to connect our exiting events to Google Calendar.

3) A major blocker for me was figuring out CreateAsyncThunk that worked together with redux toolkit, along with fixing general errors I encountered as we migrated from dummy data to actual VanCity parks data.

gordonzhang17 commented 4 years ago

Gordon Zhang - w2w0b - Dudes Chilling

1) I worked on create a script to populate parks in the database through the Vancouver Park Board Parks API. I worked on setting up the MongodDB database connection to our app, setting up data models with Mongoose, and creating an endpoint to get all the parks from the database. I also did a few UI changes to our app.

2) I'll be working on authentication through Google accounts and creating user account functionality, which includes creating backend endpoints for adding/deleting/editing users.

3) I got stuck using createasyncthunk through redux-toolkit, and after discussion with the team I decided to use regular thunk instead. It was much simpler to use this since I had experience with it through my assignment.

philchapdelaine commented 4 years ago

Philippe Chapdelaine - t0q0b - Dudes Chilling

  1. I worked on the endpoint to GET all events, as well as the corresponding reducer, which gets called on app load. I also worked on the endpoint to POST an event, as well as the corrsponding reducer. For both of these, I connected the front end to the back end. I also created a function that sorts each event into its respective associated park.

  2. I will be working on creating the endpoints, reducers, and connecting the frontend to the backend in order to allow usres to add comments to both events and parks, as well as add ratings to parks and their faclities.

  3. I had a hard time using createasyncthunk through redux-toolkit. The team eventually decided to use regular thunk instead. Personally, I felt it easier to use amd understand.

cmaija commented 4 years ago

Claire Anderson - e7e0b - Dudes Chilling

  1. I finished up working on implementing react router and some reorganization and styling, then worked on implementing the PATCH and DELETE endpoint for events. Once I implemented those, I made a simple reusable form form for creating and editing an event, which I then used to call the PATCH endpoint, and also made a button that calls the DELETE endpoint. Finally, I updated the calendar page so it worked with the new real event format, as well as the searchbar for the new real park format.

  2. In the next two weeks, I will clean up the front end code so that the axios calls are abstracted instead of directly in our thunk logic. I will also implement a new endpoint that takes in multiple filtering parameters, as well as a central lat/long locus and a radius in kms, and returns all the parks that are within that radius and that match the filter parameters provided. After that is done, I will then use that logic in the front end to dynamically load subsets of parks into the map and the calendar rather than getting the bulk of the parks in bulk. This will reduce our memory usage in the browser, and allow the user to make more interesting queries to find parks that match their interests.

  3. A sticking point for me this week was on multiple occasions when we were all working on the same code at once and stepping on each others toes all the time. It was hard to keep up with the most up to date version of the code because multiple people would be working on similar functionalities and even sometimes in the same file. There were multiple points in this sprint where I had to resolve man merge conflicts before continuing to work on my own deliverables. I hope that won't happen this week since we are all working on pretty different areas!