cmake-basis / modules

CMake modules of the CMake BASIS project.
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topological_sort should throw on cycle error #1

Open milahu opened 2 years ago

milahu commented 2 years ago

set(target_names a b c)

# c -> b -> a -> c
set(target_dependencies_a b)
set(target_dependencies_b c)
set(target_dependencies_c a)

message("before toposort: target_names = ${target_names}")
topological_sort(target_names target_dependencies_ "")
message("after  toposort: target_names = ${target_names}")


before toposort: target_names = a;b;c
after  toposort: target_names = c;b;a

ideally, the cycle error should also print the cycle

in python im using

```py import networkx debug = True scope_installs = ["a", "b", "c"] # c -> b -> a -> c target_depends_map = { "a": ["b"], "b": ["c"], "c": ["a"], } # build dependency graph depgraph = networkx.DiGraph() depgraph_roots = set() for target_name in scope_installs: target_depends = target_depends_map.get(target_name, []) for dep in target_depends: depgraph.add_edge(dep, target_name) # find roots of graph depgraph_roots = [] for component in networkx.weakly_connected_components(depgraph): subgraph = depgraph.subgraph(component) depgraph_roots.extend([n for n,d in subgraph.in_degree() if d==0]) # check for cycles # toposort throws exception, but does not print cycles depgraph_cycles = list(networkx.simple_cycles(depgraph)) if depgraph_cycles: raise Exception(f"found cycles in depgraph: {depgraph_cycles}") targets_sorted = list(networkx.topological_sort(depgraph)) debug and print(f"targets_sorted = {' '.join(targets_sorted)}") ``` output ``` Exception: found cycles in depgraph: [['a', 'c', 'b']] ```
milahu commented 1 year ago

abandoned draft for topo_sort in cmake

```cmake cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22) project(function_topo_sort) function(quote_string output_name str) string(REPLACE "\\" "\\\\" str "${str}") # escape \ -> \\ string(REPLACE "\"" "\\\"" str "${str}") # escape " -> \" set(str "\"${str}\"") # wrap string in quotes set(${output_name} "${str}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # list of lists # Nested list support is thoroughly broken # function(deque_create name) # TODO error if exists set(__deque__${name}__size 0 PARENT_SCOPE) set(__deque__${name}__start 0 PARENT_SCOPE) set(__deque__${name}__end -1 PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # TODO function(deque_delete name) function(deque_push_back name value) # size + 1 MATH(EXPR new_size "${__deque__${name}__size}+1") set(__deque__${name}__size ${new_size} PARENT_SCOPE) # end + 1 MATH(EXPR new_end "${__deque__${name}__end}+1") set(__deque__${name}__end ${new_end} PARENT_SCOPE) # set value set(__deque__${name}__value__${new_end} ${value} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(deque_push_front name value) # size + 1 MATH(EXPR new_size "${__deque__${name}__size}+1") set(__deque__${name}__size ${new_size} PARENT_SCOPE) # start - 1 MATH(EXPR new_start "${__deque__${name}__start}-1") set(__deque__${name}__start ${new_start} PARENT_SCOPE) # set value set(__deque__${name}__value__${new_start} ${value} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(deque_get name key result_name) set(${result_name}) if(${__deque__${name}__size} EQUAL 0) return() # deque is empty endif() # validate key if(${key} LESS ${__deque__${name}__start} OR ${key} GREATER ${__deque__${name}__end}) message(FATAL_ERROR "out of bound. key=${key} min=${__deque__${name}__start} max=${__deque__${name}__end}") return() endif() set(${result_name} ${__deque__${name}__value__${key}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # get + remove last value function(deque_pop_back name result_name) set(${result_name}) if(${__deque__${name}__size} EQUAL 0) return() # deque is empty endif() set(key ${__deque__${name}__end}) set(${result_name} ${__deque__${name}__value__${key}} PARENT_SCOPE) set(__deque__${name}__value__${key} PARENT_SCOPE) # unset value # size - 1 MATH(EXPR new_size "${__deque__${name}__size}-1") set(__deque__${name}__size ${new_size} PARENT_SCOPE) # end - 1 MATH(EXPR new_end "${__deque__${name}__end}-1") set(__deque__${name}__end ${new_end} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # get + remove first value function(deque_pop_front name result_name) set(${result_name}) if(${__deque__${name}__size} EQUAL 0) return() # deque is empty endif() set(key ${__deque__${name}__start}) set(${result_name} ${__deque__${name}__value__${key}} PARENT_SCOPE) set(__deque__${name}__value__${key} PARENT_SCOPE) # unset value # size - 1 MATH(EXPR new_size "${__deque__${name}__size}-1") set(__deque__${name}__size ${new_size} PARENT_SCOPE) # start + 1 MATH(EXPR new_start "${__deque__${name}__start}+1") set(__deque__${name}__start ${new_start} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(deque_size name result_name) set(${result_name} ${__deque__${name}__size} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(deque_front name result_name) deque_get(${name} ${__deque__${name}__start} value) set(${result_name} ${value} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(deque_back name result_name) deque_get(${name} ${__deque__${name}__end} value) set(${result_name} ${value} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(deque_keys name result_name) set(result) if(${__deque__${name}__size} EQUAL 0) return() endif() foreach(key RANGE ${__deque__${name}__start} ${__deque__${name}__end}) list(APPEND result ${key}) endforeach() set(${result_name} ${result} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(deque_print name) deque_keys(${name} keys) foreach(key ${keys}) deque_get(${name} ${key} value) #message("deque_print: name=${name}, key=${key}, value=${value}") message("${name}.${key} = ${value}") endforeach() endfunction() function(deque_print_value name key) deque_get(${name} ${key} value) message("${name}.${key} = ${value}") endfunction() function(deque_to_json name result_json_name) deque_keys(${name} keys) set(result_json "[]") foreach(key ${keys}) # FIXME deque keys can be negative # json keys should be 0 1 2 3 ... deque_get(${name} ${key} value) # workaround for missing string(JSON ... SET_STRING ...) # quote_string(value "${value}") #message("deque_to_json: name=${name}, key=${key}, value=${value}") string(JSON result_json ERROR_VARIABLE json_error SET "${result_json}" "${key}" "${value}" ) if(NOT json_error STREQUAL "NOTFOUND") message(FATAL_ERROR "deque_to_json: failed to set json idx ${key}: ${json_error}") endif() #message("deque_to_json: result_json = ${result_json}") endforeach() set(${result_json_name} ${result_json} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() if(FALSE) # test deque deque_create(test) message("empty deque:") deque_print(test) deque_push_back(test "a;a;a") message("deque 1 value:") deque_print(test) deque_push_back(test "b;b;b") message("deque 2 values:") deque_print(test) deque_push_front(test "z;z;z") message("deque 3 values:") deque_print(test) deque_front(test value) message("front = ${value}") deque_back(test value) message("back = ${value}") deque_print_value(test -1) deque_print_value(test 0) deque_print_value(test 1) #deque_print_value(test 2) # error: out of bound endif() function(map_create name) # TODO error if exists set(__map__${name}__keys PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(map_set name key value) # set value set(__map__${name}__value__${key} ${value} PARENT_SCOPE) list(FIND __map__${name}__keys ${key} old_key_idx) if(${old_key_idx} GREATER -1) # key exists return() endif() # add key list(APPEND __map__${name}__keys ${key}) set(__map__${name}__keys ${__map__${name}__keys} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(map_get name key result_name) # TODO check if key exists set(${result_name} ${__map__${name}__value__${key}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(map_keys name result_name) set(${result_name} ${__map__${name}__keys} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(map_size name result_name) list(LENGTH __map__${name}__keys size) set(${result_name} ${size} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(map_remove name key) # remove key list(REMOVE_ITEM __map__${name}__keys ${key}) set(__map__${name}__keys ${__map__${name}__keys} PARENT_SCOPE) # remove value set(${__map__${name}__value__${key}} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(map_print name) map_keys(${name} keys) foreach(key ${keys}) map_get(${name} ${key} value) message("${name}.${key} = ${value}") endforeach() endfunction() if(FALSE) # test map map_create(test) message("empty map:") map_print(test) map_set(test a "a;a;a") map_size(test size) message("map with ${size} values:") map_print(test) map_set(test b "b;b;b") map_size(test size) message("map with ${size} values:") map_print(test) endif() #[==[ # test list fns set(somelist "a;b;c") list(LENGTH somelist somelist_length) message("somelist_length = ${somelist_length}") list(FIND somelist b value_idx) message("b: value_idx = ${value_idx}") list(FIND somelist z value_idx) message("z: value_idx = ${value_idx}") #message(FATAL_ERROR todo) ]==] #[==[ # workaround for "bug" in foreach # foreach(idx RANGE -1) should not enter loop message("loop 1") foreach(idx RANGE -1) message("idx = ${idx}") endforeach() message("") message("loop 2") foreach(idx RANGE 0 -1 1) message("idx = ${idx}") endforeach() message(FATAL_ERROR todo) ]==] message("topo_sort ...") function(strongly_connected_components graph_json result_json_name) # Generate nodes in strongly connected components of graph # # TODO filter graph to remove extra edges #preorder = dict() map_create(preorder) #lowlink = dict() map_create(lowlink) #scc_found = set() map_create(scc_found) #scc_queue = list() deque_create(scc_queue) # return by value instead of "yield scc" deque_create(result_deque) #i = 0 set(i 0) # Preorder counter #neighbors = {v: iter(G[v]) for v in G} #map_create(neighbors) # dict() #for source in G: message("strongly_connected_components: graph_json = ${graph_json}") string(JSON last_source_idx LENGTH "${graph_json}") math(EXPR last_source_idx "${last_source_idx}-1") foreach(source_idx RANGE 0 ${last_source_idx} 1) string(JSON source MEMBER "${graph_json}" ${source_idx}) message("strongly_connected_components: source=${source}") #if source not in scc_found: map_get(scc_found ${source} source_in_scc_found) message("strongly_connected_components: source_in_scc_found=${source_in_scc_found}") if(NOT source_in_scc_found) message("strongly_connected_components: NOT source_in_scc_found") #queue = [source] set(queue ${source}) #while queue: list(LENGTH queue queue_length) while(${queue_length} GREATER 0) message("strongly_connected_components: queue=${queue}") message("strongly_connected_components: queue_length=${queue_length}") #v = queue[-1] list(GET queue -1 v) message("strongly_connected_components: v=${v}") #if v not in preorder: map_get(preorder ${v} v_in_preorder) message("strongly_connected_components: v_in_preorder=${v_in_preorder}") if(NOT v_in_preorder) message("strongly_connected_components: NOT v_in_preorder") #i = i + 1 math(EXPR i "${i} + 1") #preorder[v] = i map_set(preorder ${v} ${i}) endif() #done = True set(done TRUE) #for w in neighbors[v]: message("strongly_connected_components: graph_json = ${graph_json}") message("strongly_connected_components: queue = ${queue}") message("strongly_connected_components: v = ${v}") string(JSON last_w_idx ERROR_VARIABLE json_error LENGTH "${graph_json}" "${v}") if(NOT json_error STREQUAL "NOTFOUND") # value was not found # extra edge: target-node of edge is not a source-node in graph #queue.pop() list(POP_BACK queue) # update loop counter list(LENGTH queue queue_length) continue() endif() math(EXPR last_w_idx "${last_w_idx}-1") message("strongly_connected_components: last_w_idx = ${last_w_idx}") if(${last_w_idx} GREATER -1) foreach(w_idx RANGE 0 ${last_w_idx} 1) message("strongly_connected_components: w_idx = ${w_idx}") # object #string(JSON w_key MEMBER "${graph_json}" "${v}" ${w_idx}) #string(JSON w GET "${graph_json}" "${v}" ${w_key}) # array string(JSON w GET "${graph_json}" "${v}" ${w_idx}) message("strongly_connected_components: w=${w}") #if w not in preorder: map_get(preorder ${w} w_in_preorder) if(NOT w_in_preorder) #queue.append(w) list(APPEND queue ${w}) #done = False set(done FALSE) #break break() endif() endforeach() endif() #if done: if(${done}) #lowlink[v] = preorder[v] map_get(preorder ${v} preorder_of_v) map_set(lowlink ${v} ${preorder_of_v}) message("strongly_connected_components: preorder_of_v = ${preorder_of_v}") #for w in G[v]: string(JSON len LENGTH "${graph_json}" "${v}") if(${len} GREATER 0) math(EXPR last_w_idx "${len}-1") foreach(w_idx RANGE 0 ${last_w_idx} 1) string(JSON w GET "${graph_json}" "${v}" ${w_idx}) message("strongly_connected_components: v = ${v}") message("strongly_connected_components: w = ${w}") #if w not in scc_found: map_get(scc_found "${w}" w_in_scc_found) if(NOT scc_found) #if preorder[w] > preorder[v]: map_get(lowlink ${w} lowlink_w) message("strongly_connected_components: lowlink_w = ${lowlink_w}") if(lowlink_w) # wrong??? message("strongly_connected_components: lowlink_w is set. lowlink_w=${lowlink_w}, w=${w}, lowlink_v=${lowlink_v}, v=${v}") else() message("strongly_connected_components: lowlink_w is unset. lowlink_w=${lowlink_w}, w=${w}, lowlink_v=${lowlink_v}, v=${v}") endif() #if(lowlink_w) # FIXME wrong??? # extra edge # lowlink_w is empty when the target-node of the edge # is not a source-node in the graph message("strongly_connected_components: lowlink_w is set. lowlink_w=${lowlink_w}, w=${w}, lowlink_v=${lowlink_v}, v=${v}") map_get(preorder ${v} preorder_v) map_get(preorder ${w} preorder_w) map_get(lowlink ${v} lowlink_v) #[[ message("strongly_connected_components: preorder_v = ${preorder_v}") message("strongly_connected_components: preorder_w = ${preorder_w}") message("strongly_connected_components: lowlink_v = ${lowlink_v}") message("strongly_connected_components: lowlink_w = ${lowlink_w}") ]] if(${preorder_w} GREATER ${preorder_v}) #lowlink[v] = min([lowlink[v], lowlink[w]]) if(${lowlink_w} LESS ${lowlink_v}) set(lowlink_v ${lowlink_w}) endif() map_set(lowlink ${v} ${lowlink_v}) #else: else() #lowlink[v] = min([lowlink[v], preorder[w]]) if(${preorder_w} LESS ${lowlink_v}) set(lowlink_v ${preorder_w}) endif() map_set(lowlink ${v} ${lowlink_v}) endif() endif() endforeach() endif() #queue.pop() list(POP_BACK queue) #if lowlink[v] == preorder[v]: message("strongly_connected_components: v = ${v}") map_get(preorder ${v} preorder_v) map_get(lowlink ${v} lowlink_v) if(${lowlink_v} EQUAL ${preorder_v}) #scc = {v} # == set(v) set(scc ${v}) message("strongly_connected_components: scc = ${scc}") #while scc_queue and preorder[scc_queue[-1]] > preorder[v]: deque_size(scc_queue scc_queue_size) deque_back(scc_queue scc_queue_last) # scc_queue[-1] map_get(preorder ${scc_queue_last} preorder_scc_queue_last) # preorder[scc_queue[-1]] while(${scc_queue_size} GREATER 0 AND ${preorder_scc_queue_last} GREATER ${preorder_v}) #k = scc_queue.pop() message("strongly_connected_components: scc_queue_size = ${scc_queue_size}") message("strongly_connected_components: scc_queue_last = ${scc_queue_last}") message("strongly_connected_components: scc_queue:") deque_print(scc_queue) deque_pop_back(scc_queue k) #scc.add(k) message("strongly_connected_components: scc append: k = ${k}") list(APPEND scc ${k}) deque_size(scc_queue scc_queue_size) deque_back(scc_queue scc_queue_last) # scc_queue[-1] endwhile() #scc_found.update(scc) foreach(k ${scc}) map_set(scc_found ${k} TRUE) endforeach() #yield scc #message("strongly_connected_components: result_deque_name = ${result_deque_name}") #message("strongly_connected_components: yield: scc = ${scc}") #deque_push_back(${result_deque_name} ${scc}) deque_push_back(result_deque "${scc}") #else: else() #scc_queue.append(v) deque_push_back(scc_queue ${v}) endif() endif() list(LENGTH queue queue_length) endwhile() endif() endforeach() # debug message("strongly_connected_components: result_deque:") deque_print(result_deque) # return # TODO return json deque_to_json(result_deque result_json) set(${result_json_name} ${result_json} PARENT_SCOPE) if(FALSE) set(__deque__${result_deque_name}__size ${__deque__result_deque__size} PARENT_SCOPE) set(__deque__${result_deque_name}__start ${__deque__result_deque__start} PARENT_SCOPE) set(__deque__${result_deque_name}__end ${__deque__result_deque__end} PARENT_SCOPE) deque_keys(result_deque keys) foreach(key ${keys}) deque_get(result_deque ${key} value) #message("strongly_connected_components: result[${key}] = ${value}") set(__deque__${result_deque_name}__value__${key} "${value}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endif() endfunction() #[====[ loop json object set(json_str [[ {"a": 1, "b": 2} ]]) string(JSON len LENGTH ${json_str}) math(EXPR last_idx "${len}-1") foreach(idx RANGE ${last_idx}) string(JSON key MEMBER ${json_str} ${idx}) string(JSON val GET ${json_str} ${key}) message("json.${key} = ${val}") endforeach() ]====] function(simple_cycles graph_json result_json_name) # Find simple cycles (elementary circuits) of a directed graph. # set(${result_json_name} "[]") # TODO #def _unblock(thisnode, blocked, B): # stack = {thisnode} # while stack: # node = stack.pop() # if node in blocked: # blocked.remove(node) # stack.update(B[node]) # B[node].clear() # Johnson's algorithm requires some ordering of the nodes. # We assign the arbitrary ordering given by the strongly connected comps # There is no need to track the ordering as each node removed as processed. # Also we save the actual graph so we can mutate it. We only take the # edges because we do not want to copy edge and node attributes here. #subG = type(G)(G.edges()) # this is a noop? #sccs = [scc for scc in nx.strongly_connected_components(subG) if len(scc) > 1] # all_sccs_json: all sccs # sccs_json: sccs with length > 1 message("simple_cycles: graph_json = ${graph_json}") strongly_connected_components("${graph_json}" all_sccs_json) message("simple_cycles: all_sccs_json = ${all_sccs_json}") set(sccs_json "[]") string(JSON length LENGTH "${all_sccs_json}") math(EXPR last_idx "${length}-1") foreach(idx RANGE 0 ${last_idx} 1) string(JSON scc GET "${all_sccs_json}" ${idx}) list(LENGTH scc scc_length) if(scc_length GREATER 1) string(JSON sccs_json_length LENGTH "${sccs_json}") quote_string(scc "${scc}") string(JSON sccs_json SET "${sccs_json}" ${sccs_json_length} "${scc}") endif() endforeach() message("simple_cycles: sccs_json = ${sccs_json}") #message(FATAL_ERROR todo) if("${sccs_json}" STREQUAL "[]") return() endif() # TODO #[[ # Johnson's algorithm exclude self cycle edges like (v, v) # To be backward compatible, we record those cycles in advance # and then remove from subG for v in subG: if subG.has_edge(v, v): yield [v] subG.remove_edge(v, v) ]] #while sccs: # TODO while -> foreach string(JSON sccs_length LENGTH "${sccs_json}") while(sccs_length GREATER 0) #scc = sccs.pop() math(EXPR last_idx "${sccs_length}-1") string(JSON scc GET "${sccs_json}" ${last_idx}) string(JSON sccs_json REMOVE "${sccs_json}" ${last_idx}) message("scc = ${scc}") #sccG = subG.subgraph(scc) # TODO set(scc_graph_json "{}") # loop keys of scc #string(JSON scc_graph_json SET "${scc_graph_json}" "${key}" "${value}") foreach(scc_node ${scc}) message("scc_node = ${scc_node}") string(JSON scc_graph_json SET "${scc_graph_json}" "${scc_node}" "[]") set(edge_idx 0) # get node from graph # filter edges of node, add to scc_graph_json # get intersection of lists: scc n all_edges string(JSON all_edges_json GET "${graph_json}" "${scc_node}") message("all_edges_json = ${all_edges_json}") foreach(scc_edge ${scc}) message("scc_edge = ${scc_edge}") #[[ all_edges is semicolon list list(FIND all_edges "${scc_edge}" found_idx) # TODO find scc_edge in all_edges_json message("found_idx = ${found_idx}") if(NOT found_idx EQUAL -1) # found in both quote_string(value "${scc_edge}") string(JSON scc_graph_json SET "${scc_graph_json}" "${scc_node}" ${edge_idx} "${value}") math(EXPR edge_idx "${edge_idx}+1") endif() ]] # all_edges is json list # loop all edges of scc_node string(JSON len LENGTH "${graph_json}" "${scc_node}") if(len GREATER 0) math(EXPR last_idx "${len}-1") foreach(idx RANGE 0 ${last_idx} 1) # get value string(JSON graph_edge GET "${graph_json}" "${scc_node}" ${idx}) if(graph_edge STREQUAL scc_edge) # found in both quote_string(value "${scc_edge}") string(JSON scc_graph_json SET "${scc_graph_json}" "${scc_node}" ${edge_idx} "${value}") math(EXPR edge_idx "${edge_idx}+1") endif() endforeach() endif() endforeach() endforeach() message("scc_graph_json = ${scc_graph_json}") #message(FATAL_ERROR todo) # order of scc determines ordering of nodes #startnode = scc.pop() list(POP_BACK scc startnode) # Processing node runs "circuit" routine from recursive version #path = [startnode] #set(path ${startnode}) # TODO list -> json list #set(path ${startnode}) # TODO list -> json list set(path_json "[]") quote_string(value "${startnode}") string(JSON path_json SET "${path_json}" 0 "${value}") set(result_json "[]") #blocked = set() # vertex: blocked from search? #blocked.add(startnode) #set(blocked "${startnode}") map_create(blocked_map) map_set(blocked_map "${startnode}" TRUE) #closed = set() # nodes involved in a cycle #set(closed "") map_create(closed_map) #B = defaultdict(set) # graph portions that yield no elementary circuit # TODO ??? map_create(Blocked_map) #stack = [(startnode, list(sccG[startnode]))] # sccG gives comp nbrs # tuples: (node, neighbors) set(stack_json "[]") string(JSON stack_json SET "${stack_json}" 0 "[]") quote_string(startnode_json "${startnode}") string(JSON stack_json SET "${stack_json}" 0 0 "${startnode_json}") string(JSON nbrs GET "${scc_graph_json}" "${startnode}") string(JSON stack_json SET "${stack_json}" 0 1 "${nbrs}") #while stack: string(JSON stack_length LENGTH "${stack_json}") while(stack_length GREATER 0) #thisnode, nbrs = stack[-1] math(EXPR stack_last_idx "${stack_length}-1") string(JSON thisnode GET "${stack_json}" ${stack_last_idx} 0) string(JSON nbrs_json GET "${stack_json}" ${stack_last_idx} 1) message("thisnode = ${thisnode}") message("nbrs = ${nbrs_json}") string(JSON nbrs_len LENGTH "${nbrs_json}") #if nbrs: if(nbrs_len GREATER 0) # TODO generalize: transpile python to cmake # cmake is similar to bash: everything is a string # goal: less code to maintain # python code is MUCH cleaner than cmake code # # #nextnode = nbrs.pop() math(EXPR nbrs_last_idx "${nbrs_len}-1") string(JSON nextnode GET "${nbrs_json}" ${nbrs_last_idx}) string(JSON nbrs_json REMOVE "${nbrs_json}" ${nbrs_last_idx}) if(nextnode STREQUAL startnode) #yield path[:] string(JSON result_length LENGTH "${result_json}") string(JSON result_json SET "${result_json}" ${result_length} "${path_json}") #closed.update(path) # loop path, add nodes to closed string(JSON path_length LENGTH "${path_json}") if(path_length GREATER 0) math(EXPR last_path_idx "${path_length}-1") foreach(path_idx RANGE ${last_path_idx}) string(JSON path_node GET "${path_json}" ${path_idx}) map_set(closed_map "${path_node}" TRUE) endforeach() endif() #message("Found a cycle: path=${path} closed=${closed}") else() map_get(blocked_map "${nextnode}" nextnode_in_blocked_map) #if nextnode not in blocked: if(NOT nextnode_in_blocked_map) #path.append(nextnode) string(JSON path_length LENGTH "${path_json}") string(JSON path_json SET "${path_json}" ${path_length} "${nextnode}") #stack.append((nextnode, list(sccG[nextnode]))) string(JSON stack_length LENGTH "${stack_json}") string(JSON stack_json SET "${stack_json}" ${stack_length} "[]") # TODO what is nextnode quote_string(nextnode_json "${nextnode}") string(JSON stack_json SET "${stack_json}" ${stack_length} 0 "${nextnode_json}") string(JSON nbrs GET "${scc_graph_json}" "${nextnode}") string(JSON stack_json SET "${stack_json}" ${stack_length} 1 "${nbrs}") #closed.discard(nextnode) map_remove(closed_map "${nextnode}") #blocked.add(nextnode) map_set(blocked_map "${nextnode}" TRUE) #continue continue() endif() endif() endif() # done with nextnode... look for more neighbors #if not nbrs: # no more nbrs string(JSON nbrs_len LENGTH "${nbrs_json}") if(nbrs_len GREATER 0) #if thisnode in closed: map_get(closed_map "${thisnode}" thisnode_in_closed) if(thisnode_in_closed) # TODO python 2 cmake #def _unblock(thisnode, blocked, B): # stack = {thisnode} # while stack: # node = stack.pop() # if node in blocked: # blocked.remove(node) # stack.update(B[node]) # B[node].clear() #_unblock(thisnode, blocked, B) set(unblock_stack_json "[]") #stack = {thisnode} string(JSON unblock_stack_json SET "${unblock_stack_json}" 0 "${thisnode}") #while stack: string(JSON unblock_stack_length LENGTH "${unblock_stack_json}") while(unblock_stack_length GREATER 0) #node = stack.pop() math(EXPR unblock_stack_last_idx "${unblock_stack_length}-1") string(JSON unblock_node GET "${unblock_stack_json}" ${unblock_stack_last_idx}) string(JSON unblock_stack_json REMOVE "${unblock_stack_json}" ${unblock_stack_last_idx}) #if node in blocked: map_get(blocked_map "${unblock_node}" unblock_node_in_blocked) if(unblock_node_in_blocked) #blocked.remove(node) map_remove(blocked_map "${unblock_node}") #B = defaultdict(set) # graph portions that yield no elementary circuit # defaultdict: # class collections.defaultdict(default_factory=None) # same as dict, but returns default value for missing keys #stack.update(B[node]) # TODO what is B #B[node].clear() endif() # update loop counter string(JSON unblock_stack_length LENGTH "${unblock_stack_json}") endwhile() else() # TODO python 2 cmake for nbr in sccG[thisnode]: if thisnode not in B[nbr]: B[nbr].add(thisnode) endif() #stack.pop() string(JSON stack_length LENGTH "${stack_json}") math(EXPR stack_last_idx "${stack_length}-1") string(JSON stack_json REMOVE "${stack_json}" ${stack_last_idx}) ##assert path[-1] == thisnode # debug #path.pop() string(JSON path_length LENGTH "${path_json}") math(EXPR path_last_idx "${path_length}-1") string(JSON path_json REMOVE "${path_json}" ${path_last_idx}) endif() # update the loop counter string(JSON stack_length LENGTH "${stack_json}") endwhile() # TODO python 2 cmake # done processing this node H = subG.subgraph(scc) # make smaller to avoid work in SCC routine sccs.extend(scc for scc in nx.strongly_connected_components(H) if len(scc) > 1) # update the loop counter math(EXPR sccs_length "${sccs_length}-1") endwhile() endfunction() function(topo_sort graph_json result_name) map_size(${graph_json} size) message("graph with ${size} nodes:") map_print(${graph_json}) set(${result_name} todo;todo;todo PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() map_create(graph_map) map_set(graph_map 0 "1") # 1;2;3 map_set(graph_map 1 "2") # 2;3 map_set(graph_map 2 "0") # loop #map_set(graph_map 2 "") # no loop message("graph_map:") map_print(graph_map) #deque_create(scc_deque) set(graph_json [[ { "0": ["1"], "1": ["2"], "2": ["0"], } ]]) # "2": [], # no cycle # "2": ["0"], # cycle # "0": ["1", "10", "11", "12"], # extra edges -> TODO implement strongly_connected_components("${graph_json}" sccs_json) message("sccs_json: ${sccs_json}") #deque_print(scc_deque) simple_cycles("${graph_json}" simple_cycles_json) message("simple_cycles_json: ${simple_cycles_json}") message(FATAL_ERROR todo) topo_sort(graph_map sorted_nodes) message("sorted_nodes = ${sorted_nodes}") ```