cmall / LocalHomePage

A Local Home Page for OSX Web Development
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Doesn't work in macOS Sierra 10.12.4 #13

Open iamraffe opened 7 years ago

iamraffe commented 7 years ago

Following step by step doesn't work for this macOS version.

Once you mess with httpd.conf you don't past this message ->

Not Found

The requested URL / was not found on this server.

No matter if you hit,, localhost or whatever site.

cmall commented 7 years ago

If you mean the dev environment setup, I've tested it in Sierra, and it has worked for me and many others. If you do the setup before you upgrade though, macOS rewrites and archives your httpd.conf file. I've detailed what you need to do to fix this here:

iamraffe commented 7 years ago

I tried following these steps ->

I didn't do any setup before, this Mac came with Sierra installed.

Maybe there's something else that would be obvious to a long time Mac user (I'm coming from Linux) that is not mentioned in the guide?

I know it may sound like a "Read the docs" situation. But I can promise you, I've spent about 4 hours on this just because I didn't want to download MAMP (which is what it seems I'm going to have to end up doing anyways). And it should be pretty straightforward as the instructions are pretty clear, but for whatever reason it's not working for me.

djlowes commented 7 years ago

@cmall This is great! Especially for a beginner like me. However I am having the same issue as @iamraffe above:

Is there something else in httpd.conf that I have to do? Could this have something to do with PHP? I don't have an AddModule line for PHP in my httpd.conf, only a LoadModule line.

Apologies in advance for some very rookie questions. Any assistance is much appreciated, I would love to use this dev environment.


smiledahling commented 7 years ago

@iamraffe and @djlowes

Having the same issue. Followed step by step and encountering the same problem.

Total rookie here and looking for advice.

iamraffe commented 7 years ago

I'm afraid I won't be of much help. I couldn't get it to work.

So I ended up setting that project with Vagrant


almeynman commented 7 years ago

For those experiencing the same problem try to add "/Users/username" to paths in httpd-vhosts.conf

<Directory "/Users/almas/www">
  Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride All
  Require all granted

<Virtualhost *:80>
  VirtualDocumentRoot "/Users/almas/www/home/wwwroot"
  UseCanonicalName Off

<Virtualhost *:80>
  VirtualDocumentRoot "/Users/almas/www/sites/%1/wwwroot"
  ServerAlias *.dev
  UseCanonicalName Off
nelslynn commented 6 years ago

Change all 'dev' to 'test'. All sites would then be: mysite.test